
God. Wear a fucking mask. This is not about your assault. It is the worst thing that could ever have happened to you. And it truly sucks. And fuck that guy/girl/human. But, you know what?  This isn’t about that. And we all have traumatic shit we are dealing with right now. Wear a mask or stay the fuck home.

I’m questioning whether you know what ‘objectively’ means or not.

This take is so bad that the quality all of your other opinions are now in question.

What is the purpose of writing this article? Epidemiologically, we still don’t know if this is true or not. If it turns out not to be true that reinfection occurs, great, we’ll know that regardless of this article’s theorizing. But if does turn out to be true that reinfection can happen, then this article is outright

uh wut? nah, take a ton of salt and this s*** seriously! the effectiveness of masks were once anecdotal too. 20/20. quit relying on that antibody & stay tf at home.

I realize that there is an awful lot we do not know about COVID-19, and yes, the reports of reinfection seem to be (as a percentage of overall cases, anyway) quite rare.

Yeah, but maybe don’t also assume that because you had a cold last winter you’re immune because Facebook said so. 

Again, people don’t quit jobs — they quit bosses. And we’re rapidly determining which companies are trying to do the right thing, and which are just... fucking terrible.

Nice work, but he missed Homer’s most important title: Assistant to Carbon Rod.

I’m trying to be understanding of what people feel they must do at this stage of the pandemic.

Your Fantasy (Ludacris + Lil’ Kim)

The article about Dakota Johnson really killed it for me. 

What?! This movie was highly enjoyable and Tom Cruise and his wig were campy, scenery-chewing perfection. I gotta say, I’ve been visiting this site since it launched but I think I’m done. Between that ghastly “breaking quarantine for dick” article and the current writers’ insistence on writing entire articles sneering

I’m admittedly envious of the kind of life Hickman might lead that would make going to the Chanel counter of a department store in the middle of a pandemic a priority.

I’ve been saying this for years. America has a HUGE empathy problem, and it’s finally biting us in the ass in a major way.

In general, I find the shitting-on-popular-things-because-they’re-not-fashionable-with-people-who-matter attitude toward art really hard to sympathise with. In the case of Cats, it seems particularly ridiculous because:

I agree 100%. This is very mean spirited.

Completely agree. What an incredibly presumptuous question. Even if Cats is campy it doesn’t mean it’s not physically and vocally demanding, and I have mad respect for performers (for whom any job on Broadway is an opportunity) who can get themselves through it, and joyfully on top of that! I’m glad Rich got his ass