
Stuff like this is weird. I mean, there are bacteria on literally everything. I wonder how many people have actually become deathly ill from a rubber ducky- it’s like the whole thing about shopping carts.

This is so insane to me. I’ve never spent near that much. If a wedding is too far, I send a sorry and a gift. If someone wants me to be in their wedding, I’m super upfront that I cannot afford an expensive dress. I would never travel more than an hour or two away for a shower or bachelorette. Maybe I just have super

I know zero about California- is Orange County he worst? It always seems that way

I judge people that flush feminine products almost as hard as trump supporters. Almost.

Omg I do agree. Plus disease will be rampant and I doubt there’s valtrex or penicillin in the apocalypse.

I’m legit surprised Cosmo is still a thing. I mean, with the internet, who is buying it? I have two teen stepkids and I can tell you for sure it isn’t them.

I live on the Kentucky/Indiana line and it seems so strange to me that-although the laws are extremely draconian and ridiculously strict- getting an abortion in freaking Kentucky is easier than Indiana.

This was my first thought as well. This is for you, for making my laugh.

Yes!! Boo dramatic sex with no birth control or health care!

Endless time off in solitude with my pet with no student loan debt is the dream.

I mean, getting pregnant during the apocalypse- freaking nightmare. Getting an STD during the apocalypse with no medical care- freaking nightmare. Being filthy and hungry while having sex- nightmare.

The fact that people like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Ted Cruz have any power beyond deciding what to order at McDonald’s cements in my mind that the American political system is completely broken. These people are so craven and have zero true convictions and they are tacky and I hate them.

Seriously- I maintain my previous point- sex in the apocolypse sounds awful.

I’m convinced someone must be controlling his tweets. I can’t imagine him not tweeting about Stormy Daniels or the other Anderson interview or parroting taking points on the March from Fox and Friends (god was an asinine title of a show). He must be completely insane right now.

Honestly solitude during the apocalypse with my pets sounds better than anything. Also, anything sexual during the apocalypse seems like a nonstarter to me.

At least skinner had better book ideas!

It could be set up like the fight scene except terrible and awful and sad and you kinda wish you were dead at the end.

I love my girl Kate times 10000 but we all know Spy was the perfect secret agent comedy.

Oh nos. I totally voted wrong!! Boo soylent. I’d rather live in the Bad Batch then drink/eat whatever nonsense is Soylent!

Ugly cry. I literally wept through I am Big Bird. Oh god.