
Always pay for the ferry! Caulking the wagon and floating across never works!

It’s says a lot about our times that I really had to think about handmaids versus trump.

It’s so frustrating! Why won’t you love me, kitty?!

My cat also hates me but loves my husband. I legitimately get mad at him about it! He pets her, she purrs and is so cute. I pet her in the exact same way, she scratches me and runs away. And I got her as a kitten from the humane society! I’m considering divorce :).

This is the truest graph science ever created.

Unpopular opinion- what do we expect from these women? Is every woman supposed to turn down every role connected to a man accused? Yes, people like Woody Allen are a no brainer- but something like this? Mad Men was pivotal to her career and meaningful roles for women over 40 in Hollywood are hard to come by. Things

I wonder how this would affect Tumblr since it’s like 90% porn.

This is actually really scary. Blanket blocks are TERRIBLE (as anyone that went to school and had anything on Breast cancer blocked by content monitoring software). This is also incredibly limiting and a true government overreach.

Omg this made me spill coffee on my computer I laughed so hard.

You definitely get charged for an ambulance if you’ve been shot....

I hate drugs being illegal. I mean, alcohol is just as damaging. Decriminalize and offer treatment.

I’ve never seen a situation where insurance would not cover them. Valtrex can be expensive, but Zovirax is affordable. Most insurances don’t cover name brand, but the generic is on most lists.

I loved it too! I was mesmerized and moved.

Unpopular opinion- I really liked it. It was visceral and made me feel things.

I swear this administration has killed my liver and my sex life.

Haha I made a very similar comment :) good plan!

I lost my sweet baby love everything to me-I still can’t talk about my grief- dog last year. I wouldn’t clone her, but if technology existed to bring her back as AI, a la the Black Mirror episode Be Right Back, I would sell everything I own for a robot dog that was just like her. Yes, I know it was creepy and

When someone clarifies that “you are still a valued member of the team” shit is bad. That’s when you start putting together a resume.

Not necessarily. The type matters- hsv1 versus hsv2. Although they are both Herpes, knowing the type can help guide treatment. Also, most doctors want to be sure and will culture. Although you can be blood tested, a culture is the best and most accuracy testing. Although most doctors I’ve worked with will go ahead

Also- while I do understand their abundance of caution- Herpes testing in incredibly unreliable. Unless you have an outbreak they can culture, blood tests are not always accurate or reliable.