That’s extremely common for hsv I and 2. A lot of people have one outbreak and never have another.
That’s extremely common for hsv I and 2. A lot of people have one outbreak and never have another.
I get it for the show (I’d imagine they have a laundry list of health conditions that would disqualify you), but the stigma surrounding herpes is maddening. Most people that have it never know they do- as they are either completely asymptomatic or few symptoms so mild it’s mistaken for a yeast infection or ingrown…
Holy shit. How much of a monster was the woman that complained?! Wtf.
The most unbelievable part is that he would run.
Plus the complete heartlessness of expecting teachers to shoot their own students, as they are usually the shooters.
Seriously? Are you really explaining veal to me? I already said I don’t eat meat so yea- I’m very aware. However, it’s so tiresome how wecan’t be glad someone is doing something because they don’t do everything. This guy saved animals that would been brutally slaughtered. If you care about animals, that’s a win.
I guess I think anything that helps animals I’m 100% ok with. I don’t expect moral purity from anyone that cares about animals.
Why is it zero sum? I care about both. I don’t eat meat as well. Caring about horrific conditions for dogs in Korea is not hypocritical in any way.
I lurve the Mummy, but i loved him in the simpsons episode King of the hill. Has so many randomly hilarious lines I quote pretty regularly
As a simpsons nerd, this also makes my livid. In that same episode, Marge derides the nra stand in group and Homer gives up the fun because he sees he isn’t responsible enough for it!!!
I work in a school- most kids were are off by dec 20 for holiday break.
I literally do not understand the point of insurance that doesn’t cover prescription drugs. Like, ok, we can tell you that you have strep, but you’re in your own for your antibiotics!
That’s what I thought too. Like 80% of people that have herpes don’t know it and testing is not part of a STD screening. Considering how common Herpes is, I find it impossible to believe that at least a few people on the show have had it.
This is so stupid. When I go to the gym I look like utter trash (crappy sweatpants, old t shirt, messy hair) and I’m 110% sure no one cares. Omg this is so stupid.
If the technology existed, this guy would definitely created clones of people to torture a la USS Callister. I would guard my genetic material if I knew him!
I agree with you, but I really don’t think that’s a point. When a woman is pregnant,she should have full control of her body, full stop. Even in a perfect world where care was available and high quality, she still should be able to decide what to do free from government intrusion.
Or think about how much they want to criminalize abortion, a time when that argument might actually hold truth!
This argument about gun control “criminals will just get guns anyways”is so, so maddening. Then why have any laws! People are just going to steal- why has laws against theft!