
From the crazy right wingers in my area, hating on Dreamers has become the new meme. On Facebook I’ve seen way more memes involving fake news nd DACA. So hating DACA seems to be the new campaign, which is depressing and infuriating.

Why can he never say something normal? Being opposed to domestic violence- what a bizarre turn of phrase. It’s not like something where there should be two sides.

I know! The pay disparity is mind boggling.

I’ve commented on this before, but the pay disparity between staff and administrators at colleges is absolutely insane. I have had a lot of jobs in A variety of industries, but im always shocked by college admin pay.

I can tell you two things in my life that have changed since the election: I’ve started drinking more and decided that I just can’t bring children into this world. Soooo misery is pretty high.

That bird is my new god.

Omg the agonizing over this is killing me. I live in a very Catholic area with most of my family very catholic (I am not) and the amount of time people have put towards this is ridiculous. Like guys-chill. Funnily enough, when Good Friday fell on st Patrick’s day the bishop gave a special dispensation to eat corned

Exactly. Also- if someone wants to save their benefits that month to buy their kid a birthday cake, who cares? I mean, the benefit is the same and it has zero effect on the almighty self righteous tax payer.

What really drives me nuts is the examples people use of “welfare fraud,” like the example making the rounds of selling food stamps on the Facebook marketplace. You know what? Who cares. If someone uses a benefit for something you do t like or sells it for cash- does that really hurt the “taxpayer?” If it’s given it’s

I was a high school teacher at a very young age and I can absolutely agree the comments students made were humiliating and degrading, yet I was always told to just deal with it because they are kids.

Made me think of this:

omg is she the new Wendy Deng?!

I 100% don’t understand your point or why you’re making it.

Yes! I am so much more likely to buy something if I see a person take a picture of themselves wearing it!

I find this to be the case so often! I was looking online at cocktail dresses at Express and it was literally impossible to tell what the dresses looked like due to the ridiculous sexy model poses. Amazon is usually pretty good at just having a person wear a dress so I can see what it looks like.

That is absolutely missing the point. The point is many photographers and casting agents treat 14-15 year old girls as they aren’t real people. That is not the same point you are attempting to make. These people should all. Be professionals and understand they are working with children.

A 15 year old girl is a person- not an object. To be given instructions is not the same thing as someone not treating you like a person.

Although this will never stop creepers from being creepy- there’s an intrinsic problem within the entire modeling industry. Girls at 14 or 15 are modeling clothes advertised to women in their 30s and 40s- there’s something so fundamentally fucked about that. I did some modeling in my early teens and I can tell you

Sort of related-I think people also lie a lot about condom use.  I think people lie to themselves a lot too about this issue to cover shame. I mean, doctors even factor it into studies, as self reported usage is very unreliable.