Tomsula Gumbo 1.5/1
Tomsula Gumbo 1.5/1
Gaze upon your true unionless future, gig economy dreamers. Only it won’t be classy and fun Dame Helen Mirren- it will be some entitled nudnik half your age, and quintuple your salary who knows he’s funny because his direct reports laugh at all his “jokes” and he has no idea.
“Trump 45-Trump 45- Treason 2020! hut, hut, hike!” also other football jokes haha anyway...will stick to sports moving forward, sorry...
Especially without a human wall of O-line
Yes but fortunately for the second amendment patriots the bad guys were allowed to buy freedom guns for so long, too- they could outshoot the police so the police need to be able to one up them at any given moment because defending our way of life is everything Greta Thunberg and her army of six year olds hates with…
Dear white people (of whom I am one),
I, too, have those same interests
I’m just taking some comfort that 9/10 furries recognize a dingleberry when they see one.
Way to pick up the 7-10 split, there- kudos
I can’t tell if this is better or worse than being a flat-earther.
I’ll be here all week, try the veal
Many won’t comprehend the higher thinking behind it, but Donna Karan May have been asking a bigger question: what is New Jersey
How’s it going in here- are you winning yet lol
Mission accomplished.
Quiet, you! I can’t concentrate on summoning giant meteor
“Long haired pitchers from Sodom By The Bay are lazy as well as immoral and a threat to the American Way”
Oh because the king of England is going to politely inform you what time the invasion is going to happen. Yeah right buddy no thanks sheesh
An American death cult dirge: We are all in love with dying, and we’re doing it in Texas
That’s pretty wholesome corny fun he’s having with his family, kinda reminds me of someone