
“We can get you out of here! Hurry!”

Juan Osorio dressing up like Jurgen Klinsmann with the white shirt and rolled up sleeves is the ultimate mind game. It was clear that Jogi Löw lost the tactical battle before the game even began.  

Wow, I’m shocked at the grade you gave this. I was bored out of my mind; the show is about ghost hunters and named after the ghosts that are supposed to show up. I’m guessing they’re going to remain in that basement office for the rest of the season now?

Those fucking sweatshirts look like the shit I made with fabric paint in grade school.

You’d think that having survived years intl the zombie apocalypse that these idiots would have done basic anti-zeke protocols established by now. Like maybe not assuming the person in the bed next to you has the flu when they get feverish and start gurgling. Since zombies can’t even turn a doorknob, keeping large

The only way I can watch this gobsmackingly stupid show with its turgid dialogue and disposable characters is in one corner of my screen while I work on other things to otherwise distract me from how much nothing or stupidity is on display at the moment.


But how do you maintain your lovely personality?

Why wouldn’t everyone be wearing armor or very thick clothing by now in non-cleared areas? In a zombie world, why do these people keep walking around in t-shirts? It kind of defies belief. The hour long goodbye of Carl made me think of Trinity dying in the Matrix..that was my high water mark for crappy, long drawn out

Valid question. I’m simply FASCINATED that people still watch this show. And I’m consistently entertained by the fact that the writers are still coming up with reasons to keep Rick alive, when he’s the dumbest protagonist on TV. It’s shaudenfreude, and it’s such a huge show, so I’m upset that it’s so boring and yet so

One thing bothers me. The world is full of empty houses and in every house you will find a closet and dresser with nice clean clothes in it. But they persist in wearing the same grimy stained rags all the time.

I feel like there was a recent brief moment where i stopped hatewatching and was just watching, but those days are over.

Seriously though.

I felt like Elaine in Seinfeld watching The English Patient during this episode... “Just die already!!!”

I think it’s on Amazon and YouTube: We just watched it with the kids last month! Yeah, Pullman has never been better, and even Ben Stiller doesn’t bug that much.

Totally legitimate reaction. I still get a thrill out of introducing that movie to people. And I think it’s a shame that Bill Pullman is mostly remembered as “bland and failed 90s leading man,” since when he’s allowed to stretch out of that realm a bit (here, Surveillance, Lost Highway), he’s a pretty engaging

I distinctly remember the feeling of being elated and excited when a guy I was dating said he had not only heard of Zero Effect, but had seen it. I also remember the immediate sense of losing all respect for him when he said he didn’t get it. Didn’t date him for much longer after than and now I can’t remember his

Bless you, Jesse, for mentioning The Zero Effect. That movie is a delight.

Every few months, it bothers the hell out of me that Zero Effect is neither available on DVD/Blu-Ray, nor streamable on any of the usual suspects. Oi, Netflix - get on it immediately!

It’s a piece of shit filled with stupid plot holes and bad performances.