
“Last December, an attempt at crowdfunding ended with Patron banning Yiannopoulos from the website.”

NOOOOOOOOO I loved the show - it stood out from the rest of the junk and wasn’t trying to glorify anything and anyone, just showed life as a giant assault of never ending shit with glimpses of beauty in between

While I don’t agree with you about the time shifts (I think in this particular case they thematically and structurally tied into Wayne Hay’s mental shifts in an effective way), I have to agree about using that Junius scene to fill in the gaps. That was some egregious shit and I was pretty frustrated by it. It’s like

Now playing

Lowest Unemployment Numbers don’t mean shit if you don’t offer benefits and a living wage.

Hot take: S3 was even worse than S2.

What a waste of time this season was, I even defended parts of season two but this was just boring. Great acting/producing but the story just was not entertaining.

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a common dream. "OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T BEEN TO CLASS ALL SEMESTER AND I'M GOING TO FAIL, WHY DID I NEVER GO TO CLASS!" *wakes up* "Oh thank God, I'm an old man with a thankless job.... send me back to my nightmare, please."

god, I’m so old I read this as Pen 15 first and never thought otherwise.

I too have a recurring nightmare where I find out that I didn’t finish highschool but I can’t just get a GED or whatever and actually have to go back to my highschool to retake classes with a bunch of 16 year olds.

the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.

Add it to the list.

Jeez, just end Negan already, someone. Anyone. He’s a constant reminder of how appalling the last couple of seasons were, and the new direction the show is struggling to traverse is being held back by his tedious shtick. They offer up a decent episode and then destroy it all in seconds with that absurd and hilariously

Off topic, but the inability of these survivors to make use of surviving technology has been something that has bugged me since season one. It baffles me that that they run into issue after issue, often losing people, simply cause they can’t make use of basic shit which must be easily available.

Negan has been a huge mistake from the start. I realize the show is based on comics, but you can’t expect people to accept a comic book character onscreen. Negan is just stupid, with that bat. And the idea that other men would give up their wives to him, and allow themselves to be disfigured, idiotic, even in Trump

I thought it was a good episode, but it would be far more enjoyable if it didn’t fall apart with the slightest scrutiny and logical thought.

He’d made friends with Mike and that, as far as he was concerned, was the guy in charge. When people get stir crazy and desperate, they begin to manufacture implausible scenarios all the time. Reason sometimes fades.

Damn! That opening shot of Washington D.C. looked almost as empty as Trump’s inauguration.

This was more interesting to me than the show has been for quite some time. It’s no great shakes but I do enjoy seeing the actual levels of survival on display. The world building, the foraging and communities are far more interesting than more boring and contrived human villainy.

I’ve known who Kavanaugh was for about 6 years now, when I saw him speak at a symposium. While I obviously don’t know him personally, from having seen him speak and read his opunions, which come across as pompous, arrogant and self-righteous, it is not surprising that he has developed a self-image of himself being

Of course, Camille could have taken a blue bottle and her suspicions to the police rather than allow herself to get poisoned nearly to death. But then, those would have been the actions of a sane reporter.