
Respectfully disagree with your respectful disagreement. Because I believe the proper thing to do is not simply start talking about these issues. The proper thing to do is:

Jesus Christ. Did you actually read the whole thing? It’s horrifying that you think men should be doing any of that shit.

I see the resident rape apologist is out and already starred. Fantastic. Here’s why I don’t buy that men “don’t understand what’s going on with women”: because it’s bullshit. There have been multiple studies that have proven over and over again that men do understand body language and non-verbal cues, they just choose

I honestly don’t know how I Love Dick could have continued. It was a really good story with a beginning, middle and end. Perhaps we could have gone onto the next chapter for Chris (Kathryn Hahn), but it’d be hard to stay true to the title or keep Dick (Kevin Bacon) involved. The way the season ended, it was like the

“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or

I see this two different ways,

“Stephen Miller is a loser and was never a part of the administration. His work concerned mostly bringing coffee to Mike.”

Was Rob Schneider unavailable?

I just feel really cheated that there was an extra half hour. However, that extra half hour was filled with extra commercials and close up slow dramatic shots of everyone. What the hell is this thing they have started to do with the closeup dramatic shots of everyone? Stop it, it’s fucking annoying. If you need

This was the worst episode of the show ever. It was a disjointed, haphazard effort. Hot garbage from the opening shot to the end.

You stopped watching Mad Med but keep watching TWD!?
This is tossycock of the highest order.

This has to be one of the most insulting episodes i have seen

amputate his torso? doubt it would work, but id love to seem them try

The thing that’s killing me about this season and last is that everything takes so long to develop. Like, it’s been what, 3 weeks since Glenn and Abraham died? Maybe a month? And yet here we are, 14 months IRL removed from that event, so it just doesn’t have any emotional strength behind it anymore. Because of that,

I quit after episode 1 of last season when they revealed the Lucille fake out.

I liked it all the way through the season 5 premiere, and season 5 wasn’t horrendously awful, but it definitely started going downhill since then. Still I actually hung in there until the beginning of this season even though I knew it was a lost cause. I gave it up a few weeks ago, and everything I’ve read since makes

I tapped out around the time they spent an entire season fighting to secure a prison, losing multiple party members to defend it from some random guy who wanted to take it over because reasons, then after they had done so just fucked off to somewhere else because.. uh... Reasons.

I’m so happy I stopped watching this show.

anybody else quit the show after the first few episodes this season and just show up to io9 for a recap to save time?

Gah. How can anyone stay invested in a show with no internal logic? Everything that happened the last seven episodes, all the Saviors killed, outposts raided, weapons seized, it all meant nothing? The Saviors are instantly back to being omnipotent super-villains because that’s what the story needs them to be?