
i wont defend stance, but i think the efforts the police in this situation are a little overkill.
also, this guy seems to be one of the ‘better’ stancebros, since the car is pretty clean. It looks like it is a static drop (since they needed the lumber to get him onto the flatbed) and it looks like eh put a lot of

when I worked at Lexus we had a customer come in complaining about an oil leak on his LS 460 when the model first came out. He had the same routine every morning he would pull out of his driveway. check see the cleanliness of his driveway, go to work come home, and by morning time there was a puddle of oil. management

Less about GM, more about this.

as a former salesperson, and for a short time dealer, I must say one thing....

Tom, to prove that it’s not always the dealer, you just do one thing.

So how do you know if the dealership you’re going to is a reputable business and they aren’t selling lemons?

Absolutely, unequivocally, categorically bat shit fu**ing crazy. It is absolute calamity with a huge economic disparity in what you see on the road. Brand new G65 AMG next to an old beat up and un-maintained VW transporter van that is over-filled (they use them as public transport). So you get the dudes in the shitty

Very good writing as usual, Doug.

  1. The work truck had no way of knowing the Camaro guy was drunk, but even MORE reason for the work truck to just back off 1mph and let the Camaro in. It wasn’t THAT crazy of a cut-off. What made it crazy was work truck speeding up to prevent him from cutting in. Dumb move, and the whole thing would have been avoided

Usually, I let them pass right away, but then I start tailgating them right back. If I draft properly and stay roughly in the slipstream, it builds my boost gauge up. Once it starts blinking (meaning it’s full), I hit the boost button and it sends me flying past them. This works best near the finish line.

The “so he blocked his ass in” instead of just getting out of the way and getting the moron out of his life is where you lose me. Why the fuck would you want to hang out around a drunk and aggressive driver for longer than you have to? Especially near a fucking big rig.

I am not here to say the camaro driver was right, because he definitely was wrong but the work truck could have easily prevented this. It’s a good lesson for all of us.

The Titanic. If you’re going to build an “unsinkable” boat, put the walls for the water-tight compartments all the way to the ceiling.

No way, dude. Only the rarest F40s came with V12s, and that’s the one they got.

Exactly. I pulled it out of the sticker bushes, it’s just an I6 Coupe. Nothing special, perfect blank canvas. I only have room for one fun car. Everyone preaches “build the car YOU want, not what the next guy wants” right? Well.....

Seems a little extreme for a guy’s incredibly well done project car, no?