
I remember Spooks (MI-5 in the US) subverted expectations by killing off a main character, played by one of the better-known cast members, in the second episode. A very brutal death too.

Revealing that Dracula was a secret sequel to Jekyll, like Split to Unbreakable, would have made the time jump actually worth it.

I liked the show more than most, but it definitely does go downhill as it goes. I don’t think the 90-minute format helped it, especially in ep 2 and 3.

And the only character to die in the big battle!

Loved Little Woods. Annoyingly, it looks like it still doesn’t have any UK distribution. Hopefully DaCosta’s Candyman remake next year gets her and this film more attention.

That makes sense.

This is the sixth Home Alone movie. It’s a little late to get precious about it.

I mean, people still cut up sandwiches, right?

See, aside from helping crossovers, I don’t think it would be good for Supergirl in any other way.

The quote about how it sets up Legends is odd:

I’m hoping Supergirl is still on a separate world at the end of Crisis, if only because most of the stories it tells, with aliens as a sizable minority a la mutants in X-Men, wouldn’t make sense if she’s on Earth-1, unless they bring all the aliens over too, which would have too large an impact to be ignored by the

Yeah, good episode, but that twist didn’t work for me.

This was a plotline in the TV show Evil. This probably wasn’t caused by demons though. Probably.

I’d be more confident about Chibnall bringing back the Cybermen if he hadn’t written “Cyberwoman,” the worst episode of TV I can remember watching.

If The Mandalorian gets to be on the list 5/8 of the way through the season (or whenever the deadline was), Watchmen deserves to be there with three more episodes (and a much better show).

The Expanse hasn’t aired yet.

should probably presented as standalone miniseries or TV movie like those old-school movies that networks would make bringing together a lot of the stars of their different shows

It was there for years, but got removed, so it’s not likely anytime soon.