I was hoping Sugar Rush would be the mid-00s British lesbian teen drama starring Lenora Crichlow (and a very young Andrew Garfield), but it’s just another baking show. Sigh.
I was hoping Sugar Rush would be the mid-00s British lesbian teen drama starring Lenora Crichlow (and a very young Andrew Garfield), but it’s just another baking show. Sigh.
I was so glad Jane didn’t get her job back. Her bizarre sense of entitlement is incredibly irritating.
I’ve been thinking about checking out For The People. Why’s it worth a watch?
I tried to leave a RT score for something a few weeks back, and couldn’t figure out the system at all. Is there a login or register link somewhere? I honestly couldn’t see it.
I think they’ve overdone it in the past though. I hated the half-season where Arrow and Flash were setting up LoT.
Ryan’s a regular on Legends of Tomorrow now, and fitting in well.
As the quote says, Hardwick isn’t involved with Nerdist at all anymore though. Even his own podcast isn’t there these days.
I wonder if this version of Exiles is going to have a similar mortality rate to the original 00s version. Very few of those characters survived their time on the team.
There were rumours a few years ago about them wanting to do a TV series about Blade’s daughter, based on a comic series that never ended up happening.
(He is British-American in the comics after all)
They say the artist was one level higher than them on the bill.
I’m glad the show is back, but I wish they hadn’t gone through the Incite storyline so quickly. It was obvious it wouldn’t last, but they could have at least pretended.
Schur says there’s a line in the new season that addresses the accent issue.
Cinemascore has always seemed like a terrible metric to me. It works on videogame rating logic where anything but an A is considered a failure. That’s a bad scale.
the film has made $312 million worldwide so far, covering its $250 million production budget
I read the book recently, and the character’s really only in one scene of that.
He was a lion-man!
I think one of the reasons I Love You, Beth Cooper doesn’t work is that Hayden Panettiere is actually high school-age in it, while Paul Rust is very clearly a man in his late 20s. It feels icky.
Ewing is great, and I’m looking forward to Hulk. I read the first issue of this, and have the other four to read this weekend.
Huh, so that’s what Joseph Fink looks like.