
She’s playing her flatmate, which seems like it’ll probably be only a scene or two early in the movie, sadly. Hopefully not.

Unless you’re outside the US/Canada!

Edit: Wrong thread. Grr.

I’m hopeful the show has realised that Ben and Mindy isn’t a good endgame pairing, but I hope this doesn’t lead to yet another “Will They/Won’t They” with Danny. Which would assume that they got Chris Messina to come back to the show for a farewell.

So, are they going to allow critics to watch any episodes before they air? Because that’s not a good sign.

Yeah, my suspension of disbelief wasn’t nearly enough to get over the major coincidence at the centre of the season. Still enjoyable, but a disappointment after the original series.

I loved Boston Legal when it was on, but have never revisited it. Big Little Lies is worth watching though.

The final seasons of this show are bizarre. Every other week they’d do something that would usually be considered a shark-jumping moment on any other show. They made Dame Edna a series regular!

Yeah, I suspect it’s a San Junipero-style thing.

Black Krrsantan!

This mostly makes me want a live-action Dr. Aphra, so we can get 0-0-0 and BT-1:

I’ll be honest, this is a much more positive review than I expected this to get.

This weekend last year had Don’t Breathe, which did very well.

Will even fewer moviegoers spend their dwindling summer hours at the multiplex?

Yeah, the line about getting confused when he’s not around Arthur definitely seem to indicate a link between them.

For some reason, Doug Liman’s American Made came out over here this weekend, over a month before it comes out in the US.

They filmed 12 episodes, the next six will be sometime next year. Hopefully S2 this time next year then.

Great, now when I talk about “that movie where Steve Carell goes on a road trip with a corpse and Bryan Cranston is there too” I’ll have to be more specific.

FWIW, there’s a new RSS feed that’s working fine: http://avclub.com/rss