
Little known fact, Laremy Tunsil’s mother is Oddibe McDowell.

So if I’ve got my suburban theories of urban phenomena correct, this means he’s retiring to become a drug dealer.

I like this guy.

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

That last three Curry hit, the net almost doesn't even move. Unreal.

access to imaginary technology capable of “Removing carbon from the atmosphere”.

I don’t know about entertaining, but as the parent of a child of about that age who moved across the country this year, it really connected emotionally, which is (for me) pretty rare with major releases.

Vice President Jesus

Earholing Norman should have been the last straw, for both Tom Coughlin — Beckham was actively hurting the Giants at that point...

ODB is a big baby, jesus.

For a large portion of my childhood, until maybe age 8ish, my parents had me convinced that my Uncle Tommy and John Paxson were the same person. They looked eerily similar particularly in the early 80s 15” television we had. I watched every single game, knew his every stat and my Uncle Tommy would call after most

My dad convinced me and my sisters that “Resident” was a small, hairy person that lived under our house, which was built on a raised foundation. We put all our junk mail on the ground by the foundation’s vent hole, and would get so excited when it was gone next time we checked. “Resident came!”

They officials aren’t any worse. There are just more camera angles.

I’ve got you beat. I bought four PA speakers off of Amazon, and had my mechanic friend next door help me install them in the car. Two inside the bumper on each corner. One behind the grille, and a larger 13” one on the passenger side of the engine facing down. I wired them all up to a cheap amplifier, and that had an

What a teaching moment! That kid will ALWAYS remember that night he didn’t get paid for being in a shoe commercial.

As a Spartan fan and alum, I will miss Bo Ryan. He always did more with less year in and year out, and is/was the only B1G coach with a winning record against Izzo and the Spartans.

You ALWAYS make your own sauce, but not just because it tastes better.

This. Order what you want, and if you get tired of doing the job, just order the same thing three times in a row. Once it becomes known that Ed just always orders pizza, someone will decide to replace you.

It’s a weird regional Detroit thing. He also calls three pointers “triples”, and calls Mitch Albom “talented.”

You put shit covered toys in your dishwasher? And then you use it to wash your dishes? And you eat off of said dishes? And this is sanitary to you?