
I didn’t watch it, but the podcast We Hate Movies reviewed one called “Invisible Child” that sounded mesmerizingly weird. A nanny gets hired by a family and soon finds out that everyone in the family is indulging the mom’s delusion that she has a daughter no one else can see.

Yes!! Holmes is awesome, although I’ve lost track of where his show airs these days. But I felt like I always learned something from him, and now when I go to open houses I can totally spot things like poorly supported decks and weirdly done remodels.

Not sure what level of education you were in, but I just did the reverse: 15 years in journalism and now student teaching in a middle school. Your background should prepare you well (although if you’re in higher ed, I can’t speak directly to that). I dealt with deadlines in journalism, but I was still caught off-guard

I really like Alton Brown’s “I’m Just Here for the Food.” It has a lot of good recipes, but it also gets into the science and the “why” of many cooking techniques. For me, understanding that part went a long way to helping me improve as a cook, because I could visualize what was actually happening instead of just

ditto. so many beer tabs in mobile safari

Have you tried reverse-sear on the Kamado? Low heat till you get about 10 degrees from done, then pull the steak and crank the heat while it rests a little, then sear right at the end on full heat.

That new Netflix ad has a goddamn magnet in it or something. I have accidentally clicked that ad more in the past month than all the other ones combined in the last year.

I only tasted it once but the only flavor difference I remember is a very slight cinnamon-like taste. That seems like a weird choice though, so I wonder if I’m mis-remembering.

That is amazing. It looks like a video game glitch.

This is a little off-topic, but I think the most powerful dismemberment scene I’ve ever seen on TV was in Breaking Bad after

The above poster sounds way more tied in than I’ve ever been, but I can say there have literally been Barry/pregnant cheerleader rumors since the late ‘90s in Madison. I have no way of knowing what kind of truth there is to them though, but I can verify that the rumors exist.

Still giggling. I couldn’t place what sounded familiar about this but finally figured it out - I think it’s the use of a noun as a name. I am now picturing Station from the Bill and Ted sequel living under your house and waddling around excitedly with handfuls of junk mail.

That earwigs got their name because they like to crawl in your ear when you’re sleeping. Combine that with watching Wrath of Khan at about age 8 and you have the recipe for a terrifying night when one crawls across your sheet just before bedtime. Thanks dad!

Ummm ... I feel like I should be delicate here, but are you SURE the Bulls organization and John Paxson were involved in signing that poster?

I cannot stop laughing at this. Brilliant

I am still laughing as I picture that turbine takeoff. That would be a great option on a quiet-running electric — so many engine noises you could pick from: turbine, lawnmower, outboard, snowmobile, Harley, etc.

Well stated. As someone who grew up in Madison going to Steve Yoder basketball camps and staring at the Field House banners for UW boxing championships from the 1940s (because that was all we had to brag about) I don’t know if I will ever get used to the level Badger basketball has reached thanks to Bo. I remember

Bo’s reaction was perfect. That “spitting” was the biggest horseshit story I’ve ever heard and I will forever be a Sullinger hater because of it. He had his first shitty game as a collegian and made up an excuse, one that was never backed up by witnesses or video. If Badger fans were really going to spit, do you

To expand: They have 8 freshmen and this is a complete rebuilding year. Koenig and Hayes are still around from last year, but they seem to be getting tired at end of games I’ve watched. Their ball movement in last 5 minutes against Milwaukee and Marquette was not good — lots of bad jumpers early in shot clock. The new

Then here’s your bad explanation: Man has mental break, thinks computers are controlling everyone and becomes Superman, setting the stage for the best sci-fi trilogy the world has ever seen.