
I pointed out (yet another) an error. I made (yet another) a plea for Jezebel to employ a copy editor, which would elevate their writing, and is what every other legit publication does. No “waxing on” necessary.

Everyone makes typos. “All of the sudden” is a mistake, I believe, not a typo.

These pleas for proof-readers have been going on for years...but NOT from the days of Dodai. Things started their steep decline when she left.

Whitney, it’s “all of A sudden.” Seriously, when have you ever read it with “the” like that?

In my heart of hearts, that dog knew there was suffering around him, and grabbed the dog food and left in search of affected dogs in need of food. You can pry this headcanon out of my cold, dead hands.

I don’t really have anything to say other than that to have gone through all of that, it would almost be expected and completely normal to not want to/be able to be intimate right now. I feel like I have been beating a dead horse for the last 7 years with my husband about how, on a physical level, the majority of

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this and I 100% agree he was insensitive to force Playboy on you (gross). This is such a tricky situation. I would never advise someone to have sex when they don’t want to, especially when it hurts! I’m having the opposite experience: my long term partner suffers from mild depression

Hi all, I’ve been trying to come back here to comment more although it seems to go in waves (when you’ve been grey for years it is sometimes hard to keep posting, although I know that posting is of course what will change that). What is everyone else making this weekend? I’ve been on a soap making kick lately; this

Let’s all take a moment of silence to consider poor Kylie and her utterly tragic life.

Yeah, wtf was that? I use glasses (well actually contacts these days), and I have since I was little. It’s mildly inconvenient, not heartbreaking.

Gwen Stefani says it broke her heart for her child to have to wear glasses.

Really giving your kid the confidence to actually wear those glasses on a consistent basis, Gwen 🙄

The essence of libertarians is “I don’t care about other people,” which is a thought process that easily leads to racism (“and I care about people who are different from me even less!”).

Clicking the DIE button has never been so satisfying.

There’s no way a libertarian comic would let his set end that quickly. He’d follow each audience member to their car haranguing them about being sheeple and that those jokes were great.

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

I think GOOP called TINA’s ‘description of our interactions misleading and their claims unsubstantiated’.

Is this actually a glitch? Soccer and hockey both require the puck/ball to completely cross the goal line, which means they can bank off the inside of the post without being counted.
I don’t think Lucioball requires it to completely cross, but it also doesn’t score the moment the edge touches the plane either. If I


I’ve always considered the Nation of Islam and the 5 percenters to be engaging in orientalism. They aren’t really based on anything real from the Muslim world, just a mish mash of various beliefs that arose during a time when empowerment was needed and separation through religion was rising. The Nation of Islam is to