
Right? Like, how are you being selfish not catering to the needs of someone who doesn’t exist?

Thank you! People don’t realize it’s selfish to not evaluate your ability to have kids before you pop one out

So he probably tried it on, she said no, he went mental, and now she’s a floating corpse somewhere in the Bay of Koge or wherever the currents in that area dragged it.

So she accidentally decided to resist him when he tried to rape her?

So he definitely murdered her.

Lately it seems that the folks most likely to reference the Constitution have no idea what’s in it.

LGBT behavior is a choice they make,

Why can’t these dumbfucks learn the difference between stuff that goes on between consenting adults and an adult—usually a straight man—raping a child?

I was standing too close to a circle pit at a Rancid show years ago and got pulled in and fell over and was convinced I was going to die. Then magically, I was somehow standing on the other side, safe and sound. Some huge dude had seen me fall, muscled in and scooped me up, deposited me on the other side, waved at me

The sense of community created by non-scumbags at shows can be one of the most incredible feelings. I was at a metal show at a tiny, packed club when I was 18 and this dude kept “accidentally” groping me. I tried to move away without losing my view of the stage, but I was right at the edge of a mosh pit too (which I

I got groped by this skeezy looking skinhead at a GWAR show a few years back and he just literally would not leave me alone. I’d move to another point in the crowd and he’d follow me and just stand directly behind me and run his hands up and down my sides and across my chest. When the crowds get tight like that,

Excuse me? What exact makes Cole a “bad guy”? Because she was honest and called out a complete and utter hypocrisy? Because she’s right that her ex is a diuche who blamed women for his indfidelities?

“It’s really not ok for anyone else to define those women’s experiences with him other than those women.”

It’s totally possible to be both (I was, a long time ago) but it’s impossible to be a womanizer and a feminist, which is really the grosser accusation here.

He emotionally abused her, not to mentioned exposed her to 16 years of potential STDs, to the point where she experienced PTSD. Sure you can be a feminist and cheat—it just means you’re a SHITTY feminist. And a terrible person.

Feminism as tool of the modern PUA. The New Gaslighting.

So in summation you can treat women (because ex-wifey said herself and you are now talking community level) like shit and still be a feminist?

YES, this. Not to mention that when you read her whole post, it seems as though a lot of gaslighting and emotional manipulation was going on. That shit is fucked up.

Arguably, he put them there by being a cheating, gaslighting, reputation-shellacking douchebag. She just refused to keep covering for him.

Agreed. Also, I feel like people need to actually read the letter. This isn’t really just cheating that she’s describing. People cheat. Men cheat. It doesn’t make them villainous or abusive. But Cole is saying that her husband is a womanizer who gaslighted her for 20 years and made her complicit in his seductions by