
The mood today was a little weird, mainly because it seemed like a lot of people showed up hoping for a fight and the other side forgot to come, but looking at the pictures afterward, it did my heart good to see the sea of counter-protestors versus the barely enough right-wing assholes to fill a VW bus.

Apologies in advance to Bostonians who are tolerant, chill, and open-minded for posting this link. I’m a sports fan, so I am aware of Boston’s rep as a city hard on visiting athletes who are racial minorities. Boston has played that shit.

Which is all the more reason we have to give people the option of populist left-wing policies instead of corporate sellouts and spineless pandering “negotiators” willing to throw out just about everything for even tiniest possibility that they can win a few Republican votes that they will never get anyway because the

Yeah but this wasn’t just a protest with talking in some part of campus. This was the infiltration of a city by violent racists and supremacists who came armed with gasoline, fire, and militia weapons. There are a reports from the week of them pacing outside synagogues. They approached and surrounded students who were

Someone suggested that she was making fun of people who would say things like that, but I don’t know of any courageous acts she’s taken against white supremacy that would make it obvious that she’s doing satire.

If you were a true ally, it would be impossible for you to be alienated.

The entirety of germany disagrees.

Except this is not even close to the same thing as Milo Yiannopoulos or Anne Coulter. This is an organized group of actual fucking Nazis. They need to be confronted, they need to scatter like cockroaches, and we need NUMBERS in order to do that. Telling people to stay home is helping them proliferate. If you don’t

Yes, because not showing up worked out so well in 1930's Germany. This is an immediate threat that needs to be confronted head-on, or it’s going to get much, much worse.

It’s not that she didn’t have some damn funny, individual lines in that thing. She actually did. She can be a very funny person. Unfortunately, the entire jist of her skit was, “Leave them alone and they’ll be sad and go away.” And this, especially after last fucking weekend, is utter bullshit.

Yeah, which is why elsewhere I said she overshot and landed on the other side.

“I also think we should examine why, though. Otherwise, we’re just knocking down something for badness without learning ourselves from it”

Yes, exactly. These racists need to be challenged by the actual physical presence of people that loudly oppose their degenerate views. Saying we can just ignore Nazis, even in the form of a joke, is ridiculous and stupid. Inaction gives them more power. Inaction allows them to wrongly think that a larger portion of

Que 10,000 comments about being too harsh on “well-meaning allies” *wank off motion* and how we’re alienating those who want to help us *wank off motion*

Yelling slogans at people is a bad way to change their minds. But showing up at neo-Nazi rallies is not about changing the minds of neo-Nazis, it’s about showing them that this is not their country, and that people are willing to stand up to them. I don’t think anyone who’s encountered a member of the far right (on

“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.

Didn’t he already say he was going to stop doing that? Did he just keep doing it anyway? Because he’s a creatively bankrupt manchild who screams at video games for a living?

Still seemed pretty funny to him at the time...

“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.