I think you’re (intentionally) misunderstanding what this article is actually saying.
I think you’re (intentionally) misunderstanding what this article is actually saying.
The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.
The people waving Nazi flags and throwing Nazi salutes think the Holocaust was awesome and want to repeat everything their idols inflicted on the world.
Thanks for the updates. Hey y’all, you may not agree with the same tactics, but anti-fa have shown the fuck up to nazis and let them know they’re not tolerated. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking anti-fa and KKK are the same. A diversity of tactics is needed and necessary. Violent resistance to the Klan and nazis…
Live a little.
I posted this comment in the previous article but it works here too.
Also, Lady Mormont made the same exact objection in that council. But no one minds that.
Sansa is awesome this season . She’s got major Cersci vibes going on and it’s obvious she’s a more competent ruler than John.
It’s interesting how many people only seemed to like or tolerate Sansa when she was a captive or a pawn or being viciously abused. Now that she’s gaining agency and has opinions on how things should be done based on her experiences, people are back to hating on her. Equating her to annoying, naive season 1 Sansa is…
I took that scene very differently. Nymeria chose to stay with her pack, in the same episode that Arya decided rejoining hers was more important than trying to kill Cersei. It’s not that they’re both feral, it’s that they both chose their families.
As Tyrion pointed out, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes murdered an innocent girl. Murdering innocent women and children is why Oberyn was so angry in the first place. They betrayed his legacy.
HOW?! How can anyone like the Sand Snakes?!
Yeah, I thought we all agreed that the Sand Snakes suuuuuuuuuuuck.
The Nymeria scene was so heartbreaking. I think it’s symbolic- Arya is like Nymeria, I think she is too feral. Which, I am not blaming her for- the things she has had to live through, and she has devoted her life to enacting vengeance on everyone who has wronged her, which is a long list. But it’s so sad to see that…
I’m totally okay with Arya’s vengeance campaign. Go Arya! The Sand Snakes on the other hand ... I feel like they had the potential to be interesting characters, but really weren’t. They were just kind of dicks.
“ the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show,”
Seriously, who likes the Sand Snakes? That whole plotline bores me to tears. At risk of sounding like a “book snob”, I found them to be much more interesting in the novels, and more fully fleshed out as characters. I’m not shedding a single tear that some of them have been killed.
Wait, you like the Sandsnakes? I always thought they were the weakest part of the show- very one note, weird dialogue (“but you need the bad pussy!”) that doesn’t flow like anyone else’s lines, a plot that makes very little sense (so the people of Dorne are just going to entirely abandon House Martell and allow…
I can almost guarantee that if your child is engaged in exploring him/herself and you react with the kind of negativity you are showing here, your child will have problems later on. But I can’t tell you how to raise a family.