
Seeing as he got off without jail time, he’s good at manipulating adults as much as children

I assumed the child in question would be like, a 17 year old fan (which is still gross and wrong). But no, he exposed himself to a child “under the age of 13" ??? YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE. How the fuck is he not in jail?

UK Update:

Today is the last day of Parliament before the summer recess and as useful was “bring out your shit” day, with all depts releasing embarrassing reports or stats at once so no one could complain. These include:

That was quite a read! I think I have a new GYNO/HERO.

POOP is nutz. Dr Jen Gunther rocks. 

I love Dr. Gunter’s posts about Goop.

Man, I just binge watched the Steven Universe cartoon this past month, you can’t be showing me Rose Quartz vagina eggs right now.

Wow, really helpful Caitlyn, thanks for chiming in with your enlightened thoughts.

“Don’t let it get to you” is belittling in the context of telling a woman gamer to not mind gender specific harassment because

I think some people are just complete assholes and know that gendered insults are an easy and effective way to hurt people’s feelings.

I would also ad, suck it up is such a hypocritical response. It goes way more to the people who can’t hear, “That hurt my feelings,” or, “What you said was bigoted,” without 16 lines of QQ explosion. Suck it up — seems always a double standard response. How can you say “suck it up?” Without being a hypocrite? Why does

You know, your thoughtful comment is why I wish I could engage more on Kotaku.

and unfortunately they have every right to play and be assholes as you have to play and not be an asshole

“I have no idea what it’s like to live life as a woman, so clearly I’m qualified to explain to women why all their lived experiences are actually wrong.” -Angry dudebro who will later write a tirade about why the term “mansplaining” is sexist.

Or people saying “but that’s just the internet!” Which I see I was already too late to get ahead of.

“I was totally GOING TO be an ally regarding the toxic stew of misogyny and discrimination, restricted choices and daily harassment, economic penalties and lost opportunities that our shitty culture imposes on you, but then you said/wore/played/ate/voted for/opined about someing that displeased me, so lemme mansplain

Because it is usually said by someone who is not experiencing playing games while female, so the ‘don’t let it get to you’ -sayer is thinking about random, annoying trolls who may make a dumb remark about character choice or play-style, not the consistent, singular message of ‘You suck because you are a woman’ getting

I find it odd that you say, “we’re supposed to have fun in our free time,” and then type out a whole bunch of horseshit saying that people being harassed and abused should just get over it. Basically, they shouldn’t have fun so you don’t have to think about anything difficult.

That’s the thing. They don’t want there to be a solution because they don’t want to have to acknowledge that there is a problem. Because if they acknowledge that there is a problem, then they will have to also acknowledge their roll in that problem, in so much as them either being part of the problem or part of the

Stevie Nicks’s first post-Fleetwood album Bella Donna