
Regarding Corbyn’s policies, the most useful comparison I’ve seen was from a Norwegian man living in the UK, who was perplexed as to why the British press was screaming about Corbyn being a dangerous communist when his stance would be unremarkably centre left in Scandinavia. So think about how the Scandy countries

  • Family changed name to hide German heritage?

The “bought them with a handout” is such fucking hypocritical nonsense. 1) Labour put something in their manifesto that a group of people thought was important to their lives, so they voted for it - which is kind of the point. 2) The Tories have been buying the rich with tax cuts for fucking decades.

Tuition fees and Brexit are important, but Labour spent a lot of time concentrating on the youth vote, using social media and other tactics elderly Tories don’t understand.

The 1918 election was slightly different. At the Sinn Fein party (which was a different incarnation to the Sinn Fein of today) won the vast majority of seats in Ireland. They *all* abstained from taking their seats in Westminster and established a parliament in Dublin. They had campaigned on that platform and were

Fuck, I hadn’t heard about that. May won’t back off of the coalition idea with the DUP and since the LibDems have ruled out another coalition with the Tories...

The problem with Tories and Corbyn-haters spouting the ‘tuition fees’ excuse and using it to imply that these young voters are selfish is that they seem to think that young/student voters are stupid. Young people want lower or abolished tuition fees but are under no illusion that this will help them or their peers,

Lib Dems are not libertarians. They believe in a mix of public/private ownership but a strong state - if they can be compared to US parties then they are close to the Democrats. Labour is a socialist party -more like Bernie Sanders.

The Labour party is, broadly speaking, a democratic socialist party. Corbyn himself is from the left wing of the party, whereas Tony Blair is from the right wing of the party (which has been greatly diminished). Corbyn is also pro-Brexit, even though Labour was nominally against it in the referendum.

I see what you were doing but it was pretty painful to be honest.

Jesus squeeze us, why do Americans have to make everything about America?

EAT THE ICE CREAM, DIANA. No fucking shame.

don’t do that to yourself. eat all the ice cream in public you want. everyone else can fuck right off.

As someone who designs games, it’s obvious to me why this game took so long to make.

I feel it’s unfortunately how many people in the public do not fully understand game design and have difficulty fully appreciating the long hours of work that goes into a game such as Rime.

The reason this game took so long is for a

Yeah, he very clearly did not write that tweet.

Right? It’s from the “POTUS” account not “realtrump” account so there’s not a fucking chance he actually wrote this

Judging by the coherency and sentence structure — he definitely didn’t write that tweet.

yep. he has no idea it’s even up.

Abso-fuckin-lutely he didn’t write it. He probably didn’t even read it. The whole thing barely cracked his radar because it didn’t fit in the Trumpocentric world view.

Absolutely. I’m surprised anyone is even assuming or pretending he wrote it. It’s from the @POTUS account and sounds nothing like him. The person who tweeted it has probably already been fired.