I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’
I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’
If the roles were reversed and she was being obnoxious about resolution when losing, the assholes on the internet would lose their shit. She has to hold herself to a higher standard than anyone else there sadly. But she’s nailing it.
Shouldnt have been able to do that without judges permission. Also, common courtesy would dictate that he should have at least asked his opponent if she minded. Poor sport, bad player.
Same boat here. She has a great attitude, and has nerves of steel the way she’s taking all this salty bullshit in stride. Two guys got angry at her for winning so far, and she completely dismantled both of them instead of getting shaken up about it. She’s awesome, hahah!
If it was close, maybe. Seeing as it was a perfect KO, seems like an excuse.
She has had two separate things happen today with all the petty drama imaginable and she took it in stride.
I’ve never paid attention to the pro Tekken scene, but Tanukana is awesome. She’s had an interesting day for sure.
Okay, I’ve never heard of her before today’s 2 articles, nor do I know anything about competitive Tekken, but she is now my favorite and I want her to win everything
“The other player was better than me.”
I wonder of KoDee ever thought about how maybe Tanukana is just the better player?
Sore losers will be sore losers. If it isn’t the resolution, it would have been the screaming crowds distracting him, the sun in his eyes, or the towering fear of a meteorite crashing into his skull at any moment. Because clearly it’s not his fault he lost, he is the best.
“The film’s own morality regarding this development is ambiguous. When I first watched it, it seemed clear that the viewer was supposed to understand the gross unfairness of the situation and how political correctness is a scourge on free thinkers like Enid. Almost certainly, her peers’ disgust when the painting is…
It’s rather priveleged of you to think that everyone is free to choose a job that conforms to their ideology. Most people consider themselves lucky just to be getting paid; righteousness is a high-level benefit.
It just so happened that I, a black millennial woman, was watching one of my favorite Wes Anderson movies, The Darjeeling Limited, as I read this. I was definitely nerdy-type in high school and college (I say type, because I wasn’t actually very academically gifted. Just somewhat clever, literary, and awkward.), and…
The film’s own morality regarding this development is ambiguous. When I first watched it, it seemed clear that the viewer was supposed to understand the gross unfairness of the situation and how political correctness is a scourge on free thinkers like Enid.
Rich, were you woke at 18? Were you woke in 2001? As I recall, up until a few years ago you and Tracie were throwing around the r-word in print.
I don’t know if it was meant for kids, but Welcome to the Dollhouse is a great companion film to Ghostworld.
The comic is really beautiful and hilarious and focuses more on the friendship between Enid and Rebecca. Clowes is a great observer of human relationships. Absolutely worth reading even if you’re not into comics. Or graphic novels.
I would say that ‘brutishness’ that you describe could also be understood through the lens of Enid being a self-centered, bratty, intellectually under-fuelled teen. Not just the fact that she happens to be white.
I loved that movie. And apparently it was an even better comic (or “graphic novel”, settle down nerds).