Also, if this dick hole gets elected not only does it send a message to candidates that you literally can get away with anything, besides our dumb fuck of president.
Also, if this dick hole gets elected not only does it send a message to candidates that you literally can get away with anything, besides our dumb fuck of president.
I don’t think rewarding someone for their bratty behavior is priming them to change that behavior.
I think they should prime her to turn it all around
I... You don’t think military advances by an overtly hostile dictatorship to be news-worthy? You find yourself pearl clutching about remaining ignorant. Man, you Donnie ball-washer, despotism fans are really getting desperate.
He didn’t set off nukes so often a decade ago, so there’s a small upgrade possible in the outcome.
Sorry, am I missing something? Where does the article state a worry about California being hit by a NK missile?
Ever see them in the same place at the same time? Both orange. Both fixated on food (be it lasagna or the most wonderful chocolate cake you’ve ever seen), extremely moody, hate exercise and Mondays, often found standing in or near sand (the litter box or golf course variety) ...
BTW, I do not get seeing how everything Trump touches turns to shit that someone would willingly hitch their wagon to this moral failure. I mean, Kelly said it herself, you can get more money for far less drama. So, they must be true believers, because otherwise it doesn’t make sense.
Kind of...all intelligence is provided to policymakers to make informed decisions. If they really want to kill the golden egg-laying goose, well...there’s Rules and then there’s “rules”. I imagine we’ll be revisiting some of these in the near future.
Maybe I can clear some things up:
I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community.....
they already are. NATO is toddler proofing their upcoming meetings.
He’s wishing Melania a happy mother’s day (which means he’s ignoring two mothers of his own kids), but I thought he spent the day golfing? Also, Snippy Spice is getting some wicked mileage of that whole “(Donald’s most recent verbal diarrhea) really speaks for itself”.
For more information and to help his ex-girlfriend, there’s a GoFundMe page started for her that’s doing well. Some people are commenting that they’re surprised he didn’t try to light her on fire as well - he did. The Memphis community is talking about this extensively and rallying behind the woman he abused.
It was absolutely a control thing. He knew she’ll never be able to forget what she witnessed, because how can you forget something as fucked up as this?
“ seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”
Whatever it takes for him to stop hitting women.
I need to rave about my husband right now. I’ve been home for over a week on (pre) maternity leave, resting, and have a couple weeks of this crap to go before our little guy is due to make his appearance. It’s been rough as hell, either I’m completely unable to get off the couch or I’m in tears from hormones and my…
This is the best line I’ve seen in a news story recently (though god knows with Trump we’re getting a lot of them):
With Mother’s Day coming up tomorrow, I just wanted to share the story of when I was eight and my mom threw a can of creamed corn at me in a grocery store. In her defense, she did yell “Here, catch!” as the corn was halfway through its trajectory; just in time for me to look up, ensuring it hit me square in the face.…