
To add to the personal financial pressure, there are so many other people whose livelihoods depend on a tour continuing— and I’m sure that when an artist shows any sign of ambivalence or exhaustion they’re reminded of that with a less than gentle “Don’t fuck this up! These people doing the catering, the

Yeah, there were some bands who basically toured all the time but that was the minority. And that was their thing.

I’m honestly surprised by how few celebrities have breakdowns (that we know of, of course).

Poor girl. My cousin went to HS with her and she’s had a hard life and not many supportive people around her. I really hope she takes time off to heal herself

I’m sure I’m going to see about a thousand internet comments about this along the lines of ‘In my day singers sang bleeding from stab wounds in the rain! Millennials are awful!!!!!’ But the fact of the matter is with record sales basically non-existant due to the internet the music industry is pushing for more and

And the new Technical Boy (by Fuller and Gaiman’s own admission) is still a stereotype, just an updated one. He’s more startup bro than basement dweller because that’s how the image of tech nerd has shifted in our popular culture.

Technical Boy, in the novel, is a pretty offensive stereotype of a basement dwelling nerd.

Vice Admiral Harward turned down the job, calling it a “shit sandwich.” He knew that his biggest adversaries would be Trump’s fragile ego and Bannon’s dumb ideas. McMaster probably thought he could float above all that.

We’re all technically Trumps boss, and he undermines a lot of us every day.

Is it undermining when the person you’re undermining has no clue what he’s talking about? Einstein wasn’t “undermining” physics and mathematics.

Just more proof that Trump isnt the amazing business leaderso many people give him credit for. Ive said for a long time that starting with a bunch of money and dealing in Real Estate speculation doesnt make you a business virtuoso it usually just means you have good timing (or often not, based on all the

Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?

But on a more serious note, the more I observe the reactions of men on the horrors of misogyny, the less I see it as general cluelessness and more not wanting to admit they got a leg up over other people. Have you ever seen how a white guy reacts at the slightest hint that he owes some of success to his skin color and

Sort of related: regarding the “lost Star Trek episode” sketch, they had to get a guy from the staff to play Sulu since they don’t have any 100% Asian cast members and haven’t since the beginning. Also noteworthy: the guy played the same role decades ago! It’s why his “It’s weird. We’ve never seen him before” like was

This sketch was just too real. The whole time I was just like “this is great work” but the closest I got to laughing was a sad haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Wow, I didn’t know SNL even had enough female cast members to do a Handmaid sketch.

My French friends are telling me that he’s not really a good guy, that he’s planning on cutting taxes for the rich and cutting public sector jobs, and that he was only elected because he was the alternative to the National Front party. This doesn’t sound great as much as it sounds like he was the lesser of two evils.

War-loving America joined last

Haha, actually the French gave up and helped the Nazis round up Jewish people but I like your way better.