Even the far left didn’t really support her. Melenchon never outwardly endorsed Macron but he told his supporters to not vote for Le Pen.
Even the far left didn’t really support her. Melenchon never outwardly endorsed Macron but he told his supporters to not vote for Le Pen.
In any normal poulist/globalist face-off, Macron would have lost and maybe badly-including to a Trump-like character with all his flaws. He’s 39, has no political party (we’ll see what happens in the paliamentary elections) and is a former Rothschild banker. His policies are also pretty vague and don’t really respond…
By “We” I hope you mean the Allies, which mostly consisted of American and British troops with some help from the Free French Forces, Canadians and Australians.
I finally went vegetarian last week! I’ve been wanting to for awhile, and I gave up beef and pork last year, but dropping it altogether seems like such a huge lifestyle change. But I finally cut the cord, and I’m really happy about it.
Is he supposed to pretend that getting free stuff is not nice?
Please, everyone who thinks he’s acting like a sulky, entitled douchebag, just take two minutes and watch the damn clip (which, for some reason, links instead to Apple.com in the post)
It could either be seen as unsavory and out of touch or just kind of honest. Liking getting free stuff is probably about one of the most relatable things celebrities express.
This was on the Graham Norton Show so pretty clearly said in jest, no?
I get it. But isn’t he mostly calling out other celebrities who are constantly whinging about never having a moment of privacy* without acknowledging how insanely fantastic their lives are?
I watched the original interview and the article leaves out that all of this was said in a very light-hearted and facetious manner. He wasn’t seriously complaining about not being recognized. He was joking about it. I have fairly neutral opinions regarding Bacon but the article sort of misrepresents the interview.
SB 562 is working its way through the California legislature. Some text...
Poirot wore bow-ties, not neckties, and even had he worn a necktie, probably wouldn’t have been so sloppy when tying a Half-Windsor. Also, given that the Windsor knot would have been fairly new at the time, Poirot would not have worn it. He was still wearing pince-nez in the 1930s.
No, worries, mademoiselle, the oldest hipster in Brooklyn is on the case.
Looks like they blew the special effects budget on a Snapchat mustache filter.
The jury gets no sympathy from me. This was a situation begging for jury nullification, and they whiffed big time.
Okay, but he made the choice to prosecute. So, yeah, I maybe don’t fault the jury as their hands are tied, but this is still a really terrible choice by Sessions (surprise surprise).
I... I’m at a loss. I am a policy attorney and I have been at many congressional hearings (not confirmation hearings, I’ll give you, but still). If folks get loud or out of hand, they are simply gavelled and escorted out.
Not sure how that is coming off as an asshole. That is simple logic and good advice I expect any sensible adult to have. Some people have bet everything in turning Youtube into a “career” and have been lucky (or skilled enough) for it to work. Others have failed and put themselves into a difficult position…
“Take that audience with them”. Oh man. I don’t think you know how audiences work. You can’t just “take” them places. They are fickle, stubborn little mobs. You don’t know what they’ll do.
I’m going to be an asshole for saying this ...