
I do not think the word “diaphanous” is in his vocabulary.

Trump’s latest twit rant about killing the filibuster altogether isn’t because there are 49 Democrats in the Senate; it’s because his own party can’t stop infighting enough to accomplish anything.

My sister was about 6 and somehow for unknown reasons made the statement that squirrels do not have ears. She refused to be corrected. When my mother pointed out a squirrel in the yard and the ears, she declared them air holes, clearly knowing she was wrong, but refusing to give in. The Trump Administration reminds of

Mulvaney was on the radio today screaming that “the Democrats lost, they didn’t get anything they wanted. Some of the stuff they got was stuff we wanted for our people, too, so even the small increases they got weren’t really wins. They’re lying to their voters. They’re lying about everything.” It sounded like anyone

but unveiled the administration’s plans to fix and replace existing fencing with a “see-through steel wall.”

The budget was also seen as a victory for Democrats because it lacked nearly every cut Trump wanted to make—including the ones to Planned Parenthood, the NEA and Public Radio/Television. It’s a pretty sweet win for a supposedly weak and out of touch Party.

money that Donald Trump thinks will be used to build his nightmarish wall, but will really be used to fix a tiny portion of it cover his travel expenses for one fortnight.

In sorry but that sailor moon is just really ugly to me. The anatomy alone, what is up with those heels.

I know the point here is that Chris Christie is a lewser but just to get needlessly heavy about stuff: I come from a family full of drug addicts can I just say shitheads like Christie making addiction sound like a secret dark magic germ that hides in marijuana plants and jumps out and grabs you and makes you do heroin

no, it’s blue

Does he deserve all of it?

“criss cut”? jesus fucking christ. that is called waffle cut or gaufrette. The Fuck is a Criss?

I agree Corbyn’s “Old Labour” and Blair’s “New Labour” ended up being the exact opposites in terms of one becoming too reliant on Press and Polls and thereby losing its way while the other never gave a shit and is now heading into an election finding out that no one in the media wants to give them the time of day any

Based on that pic I will refer to him as Clairol Shag Mullett and nothing else.

What sister wouldn’t tell her siblings about an especially small dick she’d seen. Shit’s funny.

“I’m a compassionate person. I’m very heartbroken over her passing, especially since it was cancer.”

Having been a playboy, has nothing to do with him having a small dick, Renee. Large dicks aren’t a requirement for that past time.