
I can’t wait to play the game. Predictable or not, every video I’ve seen looks sumptuous as hell. I don’t care if it’s like Inside or not - in fact, it’s cool if it is because the first thing I thought after finishing Inside was, “I want more of this.”

sounds perfect for me as ive never actually played limbo nor inside...ive wanted to but so many other titles got my attention and they usually came out later on sony platforms, which are my consoles of choice. but this looks refreshing to me, easy allies review sold me and that art style/production design is right up

Man, they’re playing with fire on this one. Glad you have a good sense of humor and aren’t delaying their game in retribution.

I have no doubt that there are plenty of people there who hate me (for the heinous act of doing my job) but this achievement is a good joke that pokes fun at both Colantonio and journalists. It’s not malicious.

It really isn’t. It saves so, so, so much time. Because as soon as a game exists for the public, they want information, they want updates, etc. If the game gets cancelled, as plenty of games do, they will want to know why, they will want what went wrong, they want blame, etc. If they don’t know that a game exists: no

“Think Robin Thicke and the song is gross as you will but this was a really shitty decision for music.”

No, they’re arguing that for one song to infringe on another it actually has to copy a sequence of notes or melody. It can’t just be “Hey, this Oasis song reminds me a little bit of a Beatles song”.

Are you serious? Swearing to uphold “Christian values” (as they see them) is a major tent-pole of the KKK organization, and citing their Christian heritage is one of their major justifications for their white supremacist views.

Uhh...Yes they are.

Because both the second and third incarnations of the KKK justify their actions by claiming they are simply upholding Christian values. In fact, during their second incarnation, two-thirds of the lecturers for the KKK was composed of Protestant Ministers

The KKK is pretty open about being Christian. How they interpret Christian values is obviously fucked up, and they’re denounced by pretty much every Christian sect. But they identify as Christian.

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

“Just kill me”

You can defend most crimes this way.


Lol. Aww, the poor widdle scared Nazi snowflake, can’t handle having neighbors who don’t look like him! Won’t SOMEbody PLEEZE think of his White Genocide[tm] anxieties??

You do a very good impression of a neo-Nazi. Could be a full-time gig.

Lol. That sounds like the perfect euphemism for xenophobia.

Don’t you see? Les Deplorables are the real victims here, having to live alongside people who are different from them AND being called out for being xenophobic!

Thomas was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and his family claims the shooting was sparked by a mental breakdown, an allegation that could be backed up by his erratic behavior, as described by The Washington Post