I hope they don’t hire any Gran Turismo Programmers.
I hope they don’t hire any Gran Turismo Programmers.
I always knew Japan had their sex fetishes. They love their cars. Why not let them have their cake and eat it too?
That Acura convertible is dope as fuck. Who does that to an old Acura?!?! What a crazy event, one for the bucket list.
I played the closed alpha - I just could not get over the fact that I’m shooting someone point blank with a shotgun in the head four times and they’re at half-health. It works in destiny because you’re shooting aliens. But, shooting humans dressed in hoodies and torn jeans just doesn’t work.
Not sure if he collects amiibos but a quick note...
Every youtuber interviewing Obama had brought their own backdrop. During this moment, he was being interviewed by Swoozie who collects amiibos and is a hardcore gamer.
2016 Ford Focus RS - Coming soon to ditches and utility poles near you!
Kill it with fire.
You want chrome wheels done right?
Nice hips.
Mute for the car or the wife? :p
Or a tire pressure gauge?
Everyone knows you should never disturb a Mitsubishi cocoon... How dare they do this before it could undergo its final Evolution
None of this would have happened if he’d been using snow tires.
Like the Mitsu, she's overboosted.
Happens every day.
So the Mercedes pavilion sits right next to the Audi pavilion, which stands in very stark contrast to Lincoln right next to it.
The turbo noises. Oh, the glorious turbo noises.