Why don’t you show us sexyyou first?
Why don’t you show us sexyyou first?
They’re processing the onboard footage now, so I’ll post HTF soon!!!
I read somewhere that periods attract bears. The bears can smell the menstruation.
the hazard is caused by driving in a lane meant for passing.
Yeah. The sad part is Uber Drivers actually on average make more than the average taxi driver. Taxi Driving is a two tier system. You have a majority of “regular” employed drivers who get good pay and benefits that a larger group of “freelance” drivers who make next to nothing. Saleh due to his origin likely being the…
You underestimated. Wikipedia tells us:
15000 nyc taxis, most running with more than driver. So assuming 25k taxi drivers, 6 suicides. Comes out to about 1 suicide per 4200 people. The national suicide rate among men is approx 1/4700.
I think there’s a common thread here, and it’s not leases. Please tell me which of those cars you would want to own without a factory warranty. Personally my answer is “none”, except maybe the Buick, but I don’t want an Enclave anyway.
What is autopilot for?
This is the content I come to Jalopnik for
Iracing has the most greedy developers I have ever seen. I work in the game industry for years and been playing games my whole and this is saying something. If you want to shell out an absurd amount of money... annually and play with elitists then Iracing is for you. if you play Iracing then get ready to drop $100+ on…
From a designer’s standpoint, it’s fairly unresolved. There are a lot of elements that don’t interact well with each other and subsequently seem like afterthoughts. It’s nearly there, just needs more refinement.
In Soviet Russia, crowd crashes into Mustang!
Damn! That got me, watching tonight.
Fuck cancer.