I believe ‘Ragnarok’ established he was not “dragged” by his hammer, he was “pulled off” by it. Important distinction.
I believe ‘Ragnarok’ established he was not “dragged” by his hammer, he was “pulled off” by it. Important distinction.
Hillary Clinton is not a communist. She may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist...but she is NOT a porn star.
A nuanced aspect of the whole thing that occurred to me recently is that a given person’s relationship with a particular joke can be complicated. There are jokes I loved in media I consumed when I was a kid or teenager, that informed my personality growing up, but that haven’t aged very well. It’s not easy to…
“I’ll say it again: If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.”
Thinks or things?
I’ve heard multiple actors say that they love working on Michael Schur shows because the creative team is so nice and supportive, and no one yells. And Mike Schur and his team make great TV.
“Jack and the squad must try to balance their personal lives and their professional lives over the course of a very difficult year.”
The full context of that quote (because, fucking Newswires):
I read the NYT piece yesterday and thought it quite thoughtful and enlightening. Ms O’Connor has been through a lot. I’m glad to see her at peace out the other side of a turbulent life.
Everyone was mad at her for calling out the catholic church and then it turned out she was right. Don’t think any other problems she has negates that in the slightest
People will still wax lyrical about them.
Two more victims of candle culture.
The message is don’t be a toxic asshole. Especially one bad enough to cause five writers to quit en masse in protest of your profound asshattery.
she’s asking that people are protected when they speak out and won’t have to worry about not getting to work again. that’s literally how the industry gets away with so much assault.
Very often not true. Something predatory people work hard at is maintaining a veil of geniality and morality. They don’t go around being a bad person in everyone’s faces all the time. That way when they do something kinda shitty, they’ve built up this big well of good faith that stands against it. Whatever they did…
Very often not true. Something predatory people work hard at is maintaining a veil of geniality and morality. They don’t go around being a bad person in everyone’s faces all the time. That way when they do something kinda shitty, they’ve built up this big well of good faith that stands against it. Whatever they did…
Franco is probably guilty of all the stuff he’s been accused of. But if you’re good friends with the guy, you’re going to give him the benefit of the doubt initially. Unless there was overwhelming evidence immediately, it’s hard to give Seth Rogen any blame for not bailing on his friend right away. Not to mention it’s…
Number 3 is going to shock Winston Churchill...