Original Law & Order > Law & Order SVU.
To be fair, it’s extremely likely Rourke doesn’t remember he was in a Marvel movie.
Best payoff ever.
I hope this is handled well. Wouldn't want it to be a stain on anyone's reputation.
So it bothers you that the Trek-led streaming service doesn’t have a Q?
I take it you’re not a Trekkie.
My favourite is that huge article he wrote to settle some old scores, specifically a journalist whose name I forget (who spoiled the end of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century) and Grant Morrison.
“America has to stop looking for heroes in its Bill Gates figures and start assuming they’re all Jeffery Epsteins.”
The Gates Foundation and other anti-Malaria groups have HALVED the annual death-toll from Malaria since 2000. These groups are currently saving about 400,000 people a year and climbing.
So far, he’s given 53.8 billion dollars to charity. I don’t get the need of people to jump on him, either.
He’s not “hoarding” wealth. He created it. He founded what under his leadership became one of the largest software empires in history and a little thing called Windows which runs the vast majority of desktop computers. (Among other things.)
And unlike a lot of very rich people, he created a huge non-profit foundation…
Yep. It’s a hit piece just to be a hit piece. The Gates Foundation has been investing a _lot_ of money into things that have the potential to improve quality of life for a lot of people. Drinking water, electric power, all sorts of things.
Ok poke a little fun at Bill Gates the geek, sure, but to pretend the Gates Foundation does nothing is lazy writing.
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which does something I’m sure. I just couldn’t tell any of you what exactly.
Is there really a need to shit on Bill Gates? I’ve seen enough of it from right wing sources and now this one too?
Add a zero and I wouldn't be upset.