What kind of an idiot does something like this?
What kind of an idiot does something like this?
When black women are punished more for breaking rules other people get away with it’s still discrimination. Jaywalking, pot are illegal but black people are jailed more for it.
As a man with a more than moderate level of germ phobia, I would much prefer clean bathrooms at sporting events (and in life in general, like at restaurants, bars, etc.) than all the other fluff that is sometimes offered.
Ballghazi is the preferred term around here.
Is Megan Greenwell then Gandalf? Or is that the Lyft driver?
I have to say that I disagree. And full disclosure, I’m a dude.
This sounds awfully close to some midichlorian bullshit...
Hell, it isn’t the worst I’ve seen today.
Is that a cake or a dress?
Seamen Spar During Summit
“We’ve always done it this way” is a dumb argument.
I know lawyers are supposed to zealously represent their clients, but the fucking balls on this guy’s lawyers asking for no jail time after he kills a mother and a fucking 5-year-old...
Beyond that, let’s look at the facts:
Is a Xennial a fan of Xena: Warrior Princess or Xenia Onatopp from GoldenEye?
So if you’re at the proverbial negotiating table and Jerry says “We want 18 games,” what would you ask for in exchange?
CAPTAIN Shotime?
Damn, you have been on fire the last two days.
According to a report from PR Week, Baylor officials placed a mole within several support groups for sexual assault survivors as a way to control their messaging and keep the university from looking bad.
Also the fact that the only people who use their feet to kick the ball are punters and kickers - i.e. the players that most fans care the least about.
This song has been in my head for the last few days...