
What do you expect them (white people) to do? This site has been a shining example of tearing apart any white person who has tried to comment on diversity or equality. Some people have made dumb comments, but even the ones who have not, have had their words parsed to the nth degree and been torn to pieces. You’d have

This is the lose-lose of this situation. Even if people address the issue, they’re not addressing it enough? Come on. Can the people in that room work to address the very real issue of cultural diversity in Hollywood? Absolutely. Are they supposed to let that issue override their career and commit seppuku onstage as

I want to know how this has become a Black Issue and not a People of Color Issue. I thought the problem was that all the nominees were white, not that none of them were black.

What did black people talk about when Chris Rock brought up the Academy “accountants”? Or when a black man makes fun of a race that is even MORE underrepresented than his own is it cool?

Chris Rock is incredibly funny. He’s also had a long history of telling jokes that are racist, misogynistic, and homophobic. And now? He’s showing a lot of cracks, in that he’s kind of dumb.

This film floored me. Marion Cotillard was incredible. I am speechless. I am without speech.

An after school special tries to tell you why people are wrong, this movie does not. And this is a STORY, which can be entertaining or insightful in its own way. I thought it was pretty damn great because it was insightful, and I was never bored at any point.

It's better for the company to decide, yes, but then the company would have to accept being the "bad guy". This way, they can shift the moral blame while claiming to give the workers a modicum of control.

This movie is great. That actress is brilliant. I got nothing else to say.