she’s not driving off “lalala” - i assume “lalala” denotes happiness. Marina is clearly upset in the end. She’s crying and those are NOT tears of happiness. It dawns on her what she’s actually doing.
she’s not driving off “lalala” - i assume “lalala” denotes happiness. Marina is clearly upset in the end. She’s crying and those are NOT tears of happiness. It dawns on her what she’s actually doing.
it doesn’t have rape in it
it’s worth noting, like the review above did, that Banderas’ character does not actually rape Marina. He’s done a host of indefensible things, like hold her against her will, tie her and actually punch her at one point. But Almodovar makes a point of Marina initiating sex when it comes. Thing is Almodovar sells…
all three kids who were brought on stage were Asian. And that’s the problem i had with Rock...well, he wasn’t particularly funny and the whole feel of his monologue and other comments/jokes after that was really heavy-handed, lacking in poignancy and pithiness. But the most galling thing that “OscarsSoWhite” somehow…