
Anakin was an important part of Palpatine’s plan, but in a round-about, esoteric way. Palpatine took the prophecy of the chosen one seriously (more seriously than the Jedi, it seems), and Anakin was Palpatine’s contingency against it. The chosen one is basically the force’s attempt to correct imbalance (which the

As other people said, different Mandos have a different level of commitment to the tradition, but to be more specific Din appears to be from the faction of Death Watch Mandalorians who allied with Darth Maul during the Clone Wars (the Mandos who rescued him have the House Vizsla insignia which was the insignia of the

Honestly Link’s Awakening does the “All just a dream” trope a lot better than its done in other media, because it serves to add moral ambiguity to Link’s quest. Like usually “All just a dream” is done to either 1. add a pointless twist, 2. explore a what if? type story or 3. become some sort of allegory, with the

I don’t think we should jump into assuming one more day too soon. Film and comics are different mediums; marvel doesn’t need to fill out a continuous, constantly updated story arc for Spider-Man in the films in the same way they have to in the comics. Homecoming came out 2 years ago- Marvel film only needs to deliver

Eh Dragon Prince is all right, you just have to understanding it’s talking about what it takes for reconciliation after a war and not something about oppression more broadly. Some people are mad about how the show portray someone dark magic, but the show is consistent with what it’s trying to say there, which is that

Counter: Everyone was an idiot for ignoring the fact they had a small, light speed capable shuttle that was apparently stealthy enough to escape the First Order’s pursuit and then later infiltrate it.

I don’t think this one is too hard to guess; Palpatine probably let him remain as a figurehead, because it would have been suspicious if Maul had just vanished after conquering Mandalore. 

The only thing I appreciate about Colter’s portrayal is that this is the only incarnation of Luke Cage that I can earnestly believe would become best friends with a millionaire white boy that doesn’t wear shoes.

You understand that people can have complex feelings about things, yes? A person can like something but still criticize it? Thinking the Incredibles 2 is a great movie does not mean you are suddenly banned from disliking any part of it. There’s no moratorium on when a person is allowed to start critically analyzing a

I take it you never watched The Clone Wars TV show? Because TCW already managed to justify the prequels by being absolutely awesome, and this is where the Maul appearance came from. The prequels were extremely terrible films, but the world of the prequels is fantastic- there’s more you can do with the Star Wars

I think it’s supposed to be intentional to set her up as a foil to Dolores. Although Maeve has mind control powers, she never uses them to convert someone- Maeve is willing to kill, but she absolutely refuses to enslave. Meanwhile Dolores forcefully rewrites Teddy’s programming to make him a better follower.

It’s funny because the comics have gone back and forth on the distinctiveness of the goatee for a while; at times it’s portrayed like Green Arrow’s real name is an open secret, specifically because the goatee is so distinctive. IIRC there was a time when a cop just went straight to Oliver Queen’s front door to ask

Seriously. Winston Duke is a great example of how to do it right. The man is perfectly capable of dating someone who isn’ black while simultaneously supporting and recognizing black women.

Yeah *vague spoilers for infinity war*

What a shame. Kevin Bacon was once one of Earth’s mightiest heroes.

Jeremy Renner: I have a few ideas that might improve the character. *Takes our note cards.* Whenever Hawkeye is off screen, all the other characters should stop and ask, “Where’s Hawkeye?”

I really believe that Stoudemire was lowkey clowning Rauner, and no one can convince me otherwise.

Yeah I’m really trying to understand what the game plan was there.

Indentured servitude was just slavery for white people. It was objectively better than slavery for black folks (not that that’s much of an achievement), but it was still slavery.

I swear that man must be the hardest working actor in Hollywood. It’s like he shows up in half the things I’ve seen lately, and he always brings his A game.