“Pokemon Red to speak with potential suitors on Tinder”
That wasnt tinder, it was fucking grindr, fucking grindr.
You could take a look at most of the razer events at thai cons, full of good botty
Well, its not so difficult when you get the gist of it, you just have to check the gravity phisycs and movement of them so you can actually just go and draw them, size and position changes every variant of course.
Or, with a little bit of less patience and more tecnique, you could just flip that fucker to the other side for around 30 secs and let it all be cocked, leaving the yolk completly raw while the whole white isnt undercooked, and make it look as tastier as that one.
So far, rust is near that.
Here i thought gyaru culture was almost dead, and then bam, fucking ganguro coffee.
gotta love that teabagging escene.
One to three cats its ok, more than that its cat lady level, you want it or not.
I posted a picture of my nipple with ketchup on /b/ and got darksouls, best descición of my life.
Bitch, you telling me this shit is expensive? this aint expensive nigga, im fully broke with dota and the compendium every damn year.
Ill fuck him too, no homo.
Dunno, i smoke once a month just for shit and giggles or when i havent sleep well a whole week for x&y reasons.
Well, it was about a week ago, some friends and me decided to do some pubs at dota 2, a party of 4 but someone had low priority matches that we had to clear before going to normal pub matches, you see, low priority is sometimes a good place to be, sometimes you find awesome people wich will make you die the whole game…
Its drawn as a hamster, not a squirrel to begin with.
Some japanese player of dota was playing with us at the west server, and somehow i ended up knowing the whole economic state of japan because of him spamming the global chat with japanese economics, that and a pudge who seemed to made fun of himself for being so bad, hooked creeps, ulted creeps, ulted neutrals, but he…