
If you watch the video, he actually stops so they can get out of the way. Are people here not watching it?

I wonder if Rachel Maddow will spend two years thoroughly and painstakingly examining our relationships with these two countries.

Wrong. Certain members of ‘The Squad’ are just fine supporting policies and demagogues in the middle east who openly and repeatedly call for Israel to be pushed into the sea. I get it that the SplinterKids hate Jews, and it’s all fun and games to dream about destroying Israel so that the middle east looks like gaza

Your brother epitomizes the reasons people like Kaepernick protest.

they deserved what they get, the man was trying to get to work so he can support his family. and these losers were in his way. 

And honks. Repeatedly. He gave them plenty of opportunity to do the right thing and get out of the way.

“I thought I was seeing the next Heather Heyer when he took his foot off the gas and coasted through!

LOL I don’t think you sensationalized this enough.

So I watched that video a few times. When exactly does he “drive into them?” When exactly does he speed up, “ramming into the crowd of approximately 30 people?” Never is when going by these videos. 

you’re not very smart

Nolan understands jack and shit about economics. And as they say, “Jack just left town.”

Alternate Headline: It’s been five months since the last time HamNo predicted a global recession, might as well try for it again! Eventually and on a long enough timeline, he’ll be right!

And you know they still compete in international events as their own team right?

In other words, when you’re honest about Socialism, people hate it.  But by all means, keep preaching about the green new deal, it’s the dumbest fucking proposal by the dumbest member of congress in history, and that’s a really really high bar

polls shouldn’t dictate public policy.

Why not just write, ‘open borders or nothing’, and save everyone some time?

There are fun and games and then there’s the truth. Some people want to live in some other timeline where what they want to be true is. That’s not me. These are very simple facts. Facts matter, remember when the left used to say that?

Sorry, but a poem doesn’t dictate immigration policy, and that poem was placed of the Statue of Liberty because of its proximity to Ellis Island.

And now we have 22 trillion in debt.

That poem has nothing to do with the Statue of Liberty and nothing to do with Emma Lazarus’ day to day life or reality as the wealthy white daughter of a wealthy white man. It sounds nice. Collecting the sick and wretched masses of rejects from the teeming shore sounds like a very nice way to create a community but it