
I totally see your point. But in LA, I think a lot of people are really crazy and then make their dogs crazy, which makes them call a trainer or series of trainers some time after the adoption takes place. There’s another post on here about the commenter’s mother making her dog crazy through her undiagnosed bipolar

Especially one who can’t complete a grammatically correct sentence.

I saw that Berkeley video and I couldn’t figure out how they were telling each other apart either, there had to be some people hurting their allies by mistake,

I believe you will find Godwin’s Law both interesting and applicable!

I’d put him and milo into a spacex and launch it right into the sun.

I feel like at a certain point there has to be an amount of culpability for supporting people who habitually engage in disgusting and criminal behaviour. If I’m out earning a living with the knowledge that my spouse is very likely sending pornography to kids using the electronics/internet that I pay for, then yeah I

Everyone who criticized her after the attack like that jerk piers morgan and everyone who criticizes her for trying to do her part to make a horrific situation a little bit better for the victims involved can just go fuck right the hell off imo.

Let’s hope so...that day can’t come soon enough.

It was really rough - they said because she refused medical treatment, tested positive for narcotics, texas jurors’ backwards beliefs, etc., that it would be really tough to get a conviction at trial. He had a really good lawyer too and wouldn’t take a prison plea bargain. If he screws up again though he could get

yeah her family is still defeated....hoping he violates and gets sent away for a long time, that’s actually what the prosecutor said is the best chance.

A lot more than they gave the asshole who killed this other girl in Dallas.....she was a relative of my  friend. I really hope he screws up and they send him to jail forever, but that won’t happen. I’m very happy another girl’s family didn’t have to watch her killer get probation, because that shit is unforgivably

So from what I’ve read it seems like one path is that the FBI was listening to the Russian Ambassador and others (which I think is their default right for foreign leaders) and heard Mike Flynn talking to him/them. Flynn was also working out of Trump Tower sometimes as part of the campaign. It seems logical that they

The literal last thing we wanted to do was go back over there and fight again.

Well I’m sure we can agree it was an incredibly complicated war with lots of different nuances - the Russians faced the bulk of Hitler’s soldiers and heavy weapons on the Eastern Front, destroyed them and liberated about half of Europe. But they likely would have lost without the $150 billion (modern value) in lend

Yes, we absolutely sacrificed a lot of great men to win that war and our domestic infrastructure made the most of their sacrifices, earning the ally victory because in addition to the soldiers the American strategic planning and war materials really turned the tide. When you read Band of Brothers and what they went

I agree, my mom’s side of the family lost entire branches of the family to the Nazi occupations in France, Austria and Russia....its just incredible to think of all the different family trees around the world that were decimated by the war. A third one is just unthinkable, yet also seems to creep closer every single

We should have joined sooner, it was a tough sell to Congress and America until Pearl Harbor. FDR did what he could to support the British. People really didn’t want to go over there and fight again. Or confront the Japanese in the Pacific. The whole thing could have been avoided much earlier or alltogether in a

This is really cool, where did you get this? I never meant to imply the Free French forces weren’t total bad-asses....that’s why I mentioned them.

Wow, that a pretty insulting response - obviously you have no respect for the sacrifice millions of people made to win that war and liberate other nations they had no connection to, just for duty and justice, so I think we’re done here.

nope, same size.