
Sadly it looks like Birch's career was tanked by her father.

In Is it College Yet? Quinn answers the question about manifest destiny that Daria answered in the first episode.

They changed the music in the greatest scene in Wiseguy, AND released the edited for syndication versions.

I hope she writes a tell-all!

Scientology does encourage clean living. Not kidding.

She at least admits it. Though she credits Scientology for her staying clean.

*cough* plastic surgery *cough*

Yes. They would show 2 episodes in 1 time slot. It was ridiculous.

In "Lucky Strike" they cut out the teacher creepily making passes as Tiffany entirely, so Daria's just suddenly a teacher without explanation. I understand most of that being cut, but all of it? One snippet would've been enough to establish what happened.

Dancing with People Desperate for Good Press

That just makes me like her more.


She managed to gain some self-esteem towards the end and break away from the group and their expectations when she became Upchuck's assistant in his magic act.

That's my favorite episode. I love how Helen is totally on her daughter's side.

I had a bootleg before the official release too, but a good half were from Noggin which censored them like crazy.

I think the only song they shelled out for "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It," and only because it had characters singing along to it.

I swear I repeat that every time I eat French fries.

NYPD Blue at least acknowledged the IA wasn't made up entirely of single dimensional villains that wanted to bring down good cops. A couple showed up, but most either ended up there after uncovering corruption by accident, or genuinely meant well.

True, but it annoyed me in the finale when he told her that he was leaving IA. I hate that SVU must make everyone in IA into bad guys.

You are correct on all counts,