
I maintain that Paulie killed Pie-O-My.

Being dead for the last 24 years (today is the anniversary of his death!) is probably keeping Perkins from getting meaning work.

Don't they usually get a hot actress to host them now?


She dated Cherry Jones, who's a few years younger than Clark.

While trying out for a game show, I met a woman that worked on it that had previously worked on both shows, and she told me that Springer's guests were coached, but Povich's were real.

I've never seen it (I know I'm terrible, but I don't really like advocacy docs, I'm already anti-fast food so it'd be preaching to the choir, and I know there's stuff about how his diet affected his sex life with his now-former wife, whom I've met, which I don't want to see), but I was under the impression that he

Will do!

Silent Fall is the movie she did with Dreyfus. It was also Liv Tyler's film debut. When Tyler was being hyped as "the next big thing," it was on TV constantly.

He's actually great in Eddie and the Cruisers.

I know Morgan. We're actually related. He's a ridiculously healthy eater, which is why he had an extreme reaction to eating noting but fast food. If he had ate more of a traditional American diet, I'm sure he wouldn't gotten so sick. So while I'm sure his documentary wasn't faked, he probably should've mentioned that.

I remember every awful thing every celebrity has ever done rolodex-style in my brain. Name your favorite celebrity and I'll tell you all of their misdeeds!

That's her.

She's wonderful in that. I will pretty much watch her in anything thanks to The Spectacular Now.

Yeah, I remember the excuse for cancelling it was, "it didn't keep the Friends lead-in audience."

A lot of fans of the show say they didn't like James Franco's appearances, but I loved them. I love it when soaps embrace the ridiculous.

I was.

I always felt bad for Albert because I'd heard that most of LeRoy's famous fans/supports couldn't stand her, who they viewed as hanger-on using him. Which is hilarious now.

She's great as a one-off character in one of the last seasons of Law & Order.

Yeah, Monk basically created the USA formula of "characters welcome," that continued with other shows like Psych and White Collar.