
He was terrific on The Good Wife, but stopped making appearances after Go On started.

As someone who knows far too much about celebrities, I can tell you that a lot of "lesser" celebrities are shockingly wealthy thanks to steady well-paying work and being responsible with money.

I recall him saying that he returned to TV because he liked a regular gig where he didn't have to travel because he had a family.

When that happened James Franco was doing a gust starring arc on General Hospital (yes, that's a thing that happened), so ABC, which aired the last season of Scrubs would show tons of ads for it during GH playing up the "Franco Brothers" thing.

Jesse, ran for 2 seasons, but was completed retooled in it's second and barely resembled the first one.

Fun fact: Lindsay Lohan played Midler's daughter in the pilot episode. She dropped out of the show after they decided to move production from New York to California and was replaced.

I thought that you'd buy a copy the day it was released like I did. I, of course, immediately searched it for mentions of EZ Streets.

Sorry to stray off-topic, but are you reading TV (The Book)?

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close made me wish there was an e-book equivalent for throwing a book against a wall.

She had a profile in Vogue when she was just 11. It was part of a series on the children of artists. I thought she was annoying then (I was a kid too, so I wasn't an adult picking on a kid), but I wanted to friends with whichever Schnabel girl was profiled.

Is the AV Club now officially Gawker?

Didn't they make Jordan "famous?"

I had never heard of it until a few years ago. My brother is a Fark fan and I bought the book for him as a gift, and being a terrible gift giver read it before I gave it to him. The website never held my interest, but the book is great. It's seriously one of the best books I've ever read about media.

I love that episode and will never understand why it's so hated.

I loved The Night Stalker (I'm one of the 8 people that watched it), but I best remember her as rare person of color of Friends. She was adorable in that episode that I wished she'd been on the show longer.

It always pissed me off because it took away my last days of soaps for the summer.

My comments about how much I love Mel Gibson get a lot of downvotes. Whatever. I still love Mel Gibson.

Do you mean Unresolved Mysteries?

There's a great book by Drew Curtis, who runs Fark, called, It's Not News It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass off Crap as News, which contains a chapter called "Equal Opportunity for Nutjobs." It's about how in the name of "hearing different viewpoints" the media gives a platform to people promoting false things,

Yeah, I mostly found her bland and forgettable rather than outright terrible.