
It's on Crackle! I watch it sometimes on there when I can't sleep.

That's my favorite Vonnegut novel, and I've read most of them.

I think it was hurt more by the lack of Robert Duvall than the presence of Sofia Coppola.

As someone that knows far too much about celebrities, not really.

They just blame all the stuff they don't like on Congress.

My dad was a war vet that I recall hating every president. He joined the military to avoid jail rather than out of patriotism.

I thought the opposite for years: that the School of the Art Institute was a shady for-profit.

Have you ever seen the movie The Truman Show? It was shot a real place called Seaside. Seaside is a planned unincorporated community in Florida. The money the community made for the film was used to open a charter school so the rich folks wouldn't have to worry about their kids rubbing elbows with the poor kids. They

It still exists, and is now the Barbizon Modeling AND Acting Centers.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I'm very happy about this.

So, I guess you could say that 1982 was the year that DeVito really blew up?

I used to have the last episodes of that on VHS because my brother taped them for me when I was in juvy.

Dammit! I knew I left something off.

Nice things about Schwimmer:
-He asked the producers of Friends to cast more people of color. That's why when a non-white person showed up they tended to be in a Ross plotline.

Yeah, I doubt Polanski is gonna be showing up for any screenings.

Ed lasted 4 seasons.

My mom is an exception too, but he really does to seem to be beloved by middle-aged white women. I think because he has that edgy-but-harmless persona (please note I said "persona," which is different from reality). Basically he's a Hot Topic store in Human form.

Partially, but also because there was a ton of home video footage and photographs of her to be shown endlessly on TV.

Douglas believes it was an intruder known to the family (ie-friend, coworker, etc) and not a family member.

I know a lot about her because I know way too much about celebrities.