
She was so excited and part of the reason she bought tickers is because she assumed (quite rightly) that this would be his last tour.

I caught the show in Pensacola, FL.

I also saw him on that tour. My mom, who went with me, said that the last time she had seen him 35 years prior, "he didn't need a cane and had dancing girlies."

I saw him open for Bob Dylan in 2011 and he was fantastic.

I found it more childish than misogynistic. Children will use the simplest most obvious thing against someone like that.

Amy Adams was originally attached to that.

Multiple characters said things about Rachel's looks like her flatmate, which another person mentioned, but I had forgotten. I also remember one of the cops did too.They weren't in on the gaslighting,

Apparently so. People teased me here for saying that I have a crush on him. I do. I think he's adorable.

Safety Not Guaranteed is one of my favorite movies EVER.

I usually don't mind/actual prefer for things to be prettied up, but in this case it was such an important part of the character/story. Like I said in another post, it made a powerful statement on how less attractive women are treated/valued.

Other characters besides Rachel insult her looks, like Scott after they have sex and he finds out that she lied to him. So, it's clearly not just in her head. In fact, before other characters made nasty comments about the way Rachel looked, I did think it was in her head.

My mom called his Skeletor, but I think you're description is more accurate.

Good luck. I planned on riding it out, but was forced to evacuate. I'm in a shelter now.

So's Brad Pitt, but I wouldn't cast him as a fat and ugly person!

Agreed. It didn't work as a whole, but some that was well-done.

A bigger question is: why cast Emily Blunt when the character is supposed to be a bloated alcoholic whom is repeatedly described as being unattractive?

The Hornblower films have small, but loyal cult. It's the reason why they never recast the part.


You're missing out out some of the greatest seasons of L&0. The last 3 seasons were up there with the Briscoe/Logan era.

Judy Judy and her show are classist and racist. I find her making a lot more offensive than most of the other people ya'll are complaining about.