
I love Rules of Engagement! It's one for the few romcom sitcoms where I actually bought the couples.

I don't know for sure, but I believe so.

My mom has a psychologist friend (whom I mentioned in another comment yesterday), who's been paid to be a witness many times. She said that the first time, she told the prosecutor she wasn't an "expert" on whatever they wanted her to testify about. They don't her that it "didn't matter," and they only needed someone

Many of the same people that use "congressional obstruction" excuse for Obama are more than happy to blame everything bad that happened while Bush was in office on Bush.

I love Birmingham! I grew up in Northwest Florida, within walking distance from the state line, so I frequently made tripe to Birmingham, Montgomery and Mobile. All fantastic cities!

I never truly believed. My brother believed in Santa until he was 11 and I showed him where our parents his the Christmas presents.

Leave her to Heaven is a criminally underrated film.

It could've been something good, but it's just not.

My mom boycotted Road Fury, because "you can't replace my Mel."

Another fun fact: While Trust got mix reviews overall, Ebert gave it 4 stars and praised Schwimmer's direction. I've seen it and I'm with Ebert.

They did a profile of him on CBS Sunday Morning a year or two ago and I was surprised he was still alive then.

I tried this and didn't last because I didn't have the patience and decided that running was the sport for me.

I read that too. It's only the second most ridiculous true crime book that I've ever read (and I've read a massive amount of true crime books), after the one written by the woman that claimed that her dad was the Black Dahlia killer.

Chuck Klosterman, of all people, wrote a really interesting article about Kaczynski and technology in his book Eating the Dinosaur. There's a pdf of it online:…

I'm a redneck. I grew up in a trailer on a dirt road and everything. Me and most of my fellow rednecks treated our pets like, well pets Non-pet animals, like the deer people hunt, aren't treated the same as dogs, but that's not much different than how most of Americans view cows ad such.The only knew one person I knew

I don't have you blocked, because I'm stupid can't find the permanent block function. I spent so much time looking for it that I missed my evening run and threw off my entire schedule. I'll block you with the regular one, after I post this. I've yet to unblock anyone even though it's easy, so that should be

Hey-anything is possible! Maybe cloning will be perfected and we'll get a Brad Renfro clone? Maybe he's been in a cryonic chamber this enter time? Maybe he faked his death as part as some elaborate performance art and will get bored and start acting again? You never know.

I'm permanently blocking you. That way you won't have to walk on eggshells out of fear of invoking my horrible wrath, which so far as I can tell is me not thinking exactly like you. Sorry that must've been very difficult for you.

I have only missed an election once. It as a midterm and I only missed it because I was in jail. My mom told me when I told her, that I should've demanded a ballot.