
Any dirt you're willing to share?

It has nothing to do with notifications. I was just telling you how I saw your two very different posts so close together.

I once took a long break due to the stuff you describe. There was a lot of people hating on movies because it didn't fit their political agenda, though they claimed it was for other reasons. They would love movies that fit their agenda, even if it committed the same sins as the movies they hated.

I've been poor my entire life. I think the first time I was on welfare the first Bush the First was president. I remember standing in the food stamp line with my mom when they handed out actual booklets of food stamps.

Does anyone else think that Sam Smith is a whiny little twerp?

Hey-remember when Randall became a dad when he was super-old?

I followed you, so I got notifications of what you posted. It was kinda shocking to see you insulting someone, then talking about how terrified you were to reveal your gender on here out of fear of personal attacks within 24 hours of each other. I read your post from today, then I checked my e-mail and saw the post

My Little Pony: The Movie is that old, and is clearly what they were talking about. ;)

I have never personally attacked you. The above is the closest I have ever come, and that's really just pointing out your hypocrisy.

She gave birth like a week ago, so it might be awhile before she's up to it.

Why on earth would you want o be friends with someone as stupid (or insane?) as I am?

I worked in a hotel too. I dreaded the weddings more than the little league teams because I always got propositioned by a wedding guest. Always.

It's funny that you whine that you didn't reveal that you were a woman on here for ages because you were oh so scared that people would be mean to you, when you're downright nasty people.

I also love The English Patient. I fear we're in the minority around here though.



This is why I'll go to bat for Buzzfeed's listicles. It pays the bills in a pretty harmless way.

I remember the last day. I knew something was wrong when there was no "Today's Essential Film Writing" by 8 pm.

Yes. He had a small role in your favorite movie (500) Days of Summer too.

I actually like the movie a little better than the novel.