
I enjoyed Barbara's General Hospital love. I once traveled from IL to PA via bus to meet my favorite soap star Stephen Nichols. Then returned the next day.

I thought that was weird too.

It's like the "gentle abuser," which yes, is a thing.

I'm from Northwest Florida, which is a combination of the worst parts of Florida and Alabama without any of the good ones, and that's true here. Expect the ones that don't have government jobs are on welfare.

That's even weirder because I mostly visit sites devoted to pop culture and popular places like Amazon and Twitter. The only thing even slightly porn-related that I've visited in the last 24 hours according to my history is The Pirate Bay, and it was to download Mr. Robot, not porn.

It taught me that Lujack from Guiding Light was in the Korean War.

I hope this mean's that the Mel Renaissance is upon us!

Shore has helped a lot of addicts. He's also involved in sexual assault awareness and organizations that help survivors.

Is anyone else getting an ad for Adam & Eve when they view this article?

I think most of those marriages would've ended even if those couples had never done reality shows. Did anyone really expect Spears/Federline to last?

I never got that, since W. had famously quit drinking years before he was elected. Did they mean have a root beer, perhaps?

Don't listen to them! I love your shtick!

And a movie!

That's how I knew it wasn't him!

I totally knew that whoever got that one would yell, "STELLA"

Years ago there was an excellent TV movie about Judy Garland called Me and My Shadows, which had a scene of studio executives getting her hooked on speed to lose weight. That scene was followed by a commercial for diet pills.

She has a pilot that doesn't get picked up almost every year for the last 10 years or so.

There's an excellent book called Little Girls in Pretty Boxes about competitive gymnastics and figure skating. It's a disturbing as you imagine.

There were some murky rumors a while back about Seagal and the Russian mob. He got sued for keeping a couple of Russian women as sex slaves, so there's probably some truth to those rumors.