
She'll always be One Life to Live's Renee Elise Goldsberry to me!

Yeah, I'm not loving it like I did the first season.

So, did Mitch bang his stepmom? The way she acted towards Jamie weirded me out.

My mom liked that show.

How is everyone celebrating this glorious day?

Someone made a political point in a thread discussing politics! Madness!

I loved this movie as a kid.

Good point, but they're not zeitgeist-y like Girls. I once read that Arli$$ stayed on the air so long because there were enough people that subscribed to HBO specifically for it. One would think that would be the case with Looking, but I guess not.

My mom would still have one if hers hadn't died.

My family had an answering machine until late 2006. It died and my mom couldn't find a replacement.

From that film's Wikipedia page:
"The film's casting department considered the casting of the Jewish Adi Stein as the Catholic Pete O'Malley an ironic joke, due to the character's attempting to convert a Jewish boy to Catholicism."

I imagine that Girls is much cheaper to produce than most of HBO's other shows.

Were you asleep in 2009?

That reminds me of Ebert's review of The Gift:
"Psychics and hairdressers have three things in common. They can appoint themselves, they can work out of their homes and they don't have a lot of overhead: a Tarot deck, shampoo, candles, scissors, incense, mousse. It helps if they have a reassuring manner, because many

I like this movie a lot. The only thing that didn't work for me for Paul Dano's silence nonsense.

He shouldn't of dumped Scary Spice. That's what caused the Black Crusaders to cancel his Oscar you know.

Many people seem to think that only Republicans hurt people, but people get hurt by neoliberal Democrats too. Of the last 4 presidents, which 2 cut food stamps? Hint: Neither was named Bush.

Are you familiar with Old Economy Steve? I'm not big on memes, but it's perfect.

Stallone is a Republican and Stone is a Clinton supporter. No idea about Seagal.