
There are some people that think that people only support/ed Sanders because we're misogynists threatened by the very idea of having a woman president. None us could possibly prefer his policies, it's all about gender.

Where I live, there's a late night infomercial hosted by a pair of bankruptcy lawyers l'm pretty sure are on the autism spectrum at 2:30am. My mom made fun of them for being on so late. I'm like; "It's the perfect time-slot. Anyone watching local TV at 2:30am has clearly made some horrible life choices."

Thank you! I always love it when someone here shares gossip that I didn't previously know.

People made fun of her, but her commercials were a hoot. As a kid, I loved late-night TV, and always brightened up when one of her ads came on.

She stars on the TV series Secrets and Lies, which has nothing to do with the the Mike Leigh movie and I thought had been cancelled until I saw a commercial for it yesterday.

Bay said he wants to make a holocaust movie.

Remember Prussian Blue?

I saw Take This Waltz, the movie that scene is from and was disgusted by people in a public shower without flipflops. Ew.

The left did that in 2008.

Yup. That's one of the reasons Republicans actually turn out for midterm elections.

Remember, Romney had binders too?

Maxwell even went to Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

Did you read his Random Roles on here? He spills a lot of tea in it.

I've been told to vote for Clinton because I'm a woman.

Agreed on both accounts.

Agreed. I used to go to pop culture sites to get away from that stuff.

I swear they are making pop culture specifically for my mother.

Do we have the same brother?

The book is incredible. It's like a Greek tragedy. I loaned it to someone once, who returned it and said, "It sure is easy to kill people. No one ever suspects you."

It was a top-5 show for like decades.