
I read a book that was written by a stripper, and she said it was common for strippers nearing retirement age (I'm guessing late 20s) would move to Alaska to find a husband. The only problem was, "the odds are good, but the goods are odd."

No, they don't. And the "Inventory" lists were always more in-depth than most of the lists you found online.

Alan Sepinwall still writes those sorts of reviews over at HitFix.

That media company probably told them that they needed to get more "unique views," and they changed coverage accordingly.

A few of years ago a young man moved in with my elderly neighbor. I didn't really know her, except to wave when I checked the mail, and I assumed he was her grandson. When she died less than a year later, I learned he was her husband. This was before FL passed that law. I don't think she was rich, but he did get her

I bought the Gary Oldman! It was from Lost in Space. I bought it because it was of Gary Oldman!

One of the times that Jonathan Jackson won a Daytime Emmy for General Hospital, he basically said in his speech, "I don't know why I won, I was hardly on the show last year." It was great!

"This year’s panel was moderated by Rob McElhenney, who opened the panel with a video featuring him and his It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia co-star Charlie Day walking around Westeros asking when, exactly, winter would arrive."

That's probably how most of the people convinced that they'll be rich someday think too.

That's a good plan, except you need to find someone with no living relatives to contest the will, or make sure that you do it in a state where they can't do that.

I think you mean, Sam the Unlicensed Handyman.

I always wonder how all these people who think that they're going to be rich think they'll become rich. The only way I can imagine myself getting rich is by marrying a rich guy, and I'm not nearly attractive enough for that to be a realistic possibility.

Not sure about getting better, but Scorsese, Eastwood, Herzog and Altman did/are doing some fine work in their dotage.

So basically The Doors, but about Snowden instead of Jim Morrison.

Have you read the book Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth about Guilty Pleasure TV? There's stuff in there about how many reality stars have criminal backgrounds, and not like speeding tickets. I'm convinced that 90% of reality "stars" are violent felons, except the ones on The Amazing Race, because those people

All Stone's recent films come across as a desperate attempt to become relevant again. I think he'd be better regarded if he had retired years ago. I like Mantle, the cast and Snowden, but my hopes aren't high.

The problem with that is that there were other people on the ballot besides Bush, Gore and Nader. There were 7 other candidates in Florida. So by your standard, should the votes for Pat Buchanan, Harry Browne, etc. go to Bush?

Fun fact: Joe Liberman was such a fan of Glen Beck's radio show that he helped him get into Yale.

Secret post that I deleted.

I voted for Stein in 2012 long before I had ever heard of Bernie Sanders.