
Jealous! If I had know about it, I totally would've bought it.

I didn't even know the entire series was on DVD. I remember Alan Sepinwall specifically citing that the entire series wasn't on DVD as one of the reasons he still owned a VCR. A quick search tells me that he was talking about NYPD Blue, which is now on DVD.

I figured, in the Profit DVD set, there's a documentary where one of the creators talked about how he watched the ratings go down and down as the pilot aired, so I wondered if the same thing happened with this episode.

Are all of the episodes of Homicide available anywhere?

So, how did it hold up?

I thought OZ was pretty clear that male-on-male rape isn't about homosexuality.

I finally blocked him.

The Green Party runs local candidates. I was shocked when one showed up on the ballot where I live once. Though they didn't win.

He looks unwell. The last time I saw him, I couldn't believe how pale he was. I'm pasty enough to pass for a long-lost member of The Cure, so if I think you look too pale, there's something wrong with you.

I first noticed them on The Dissolve (RIP). Some months after that, someone posted the same content on Gawker, and I saw that they were using an extremely similar username. Then I saw them CDAN, then saying the same stuff.

I hope one or more writes a tell-all book!

Plath's son committed suicide a few years ago.

There is some crazy Johnny Depp fan who gets angry whenever anyone says anything about Depp's looks and posts replies insisting that, "he still looks like he's in his 20s." I've seen them on multiple sites, and I know it's the same person because the content is not only the same, but they use variations of the same

C. Amber (daughter of Russ) Tamblyn

Just Sexton.

I own Fifteen and Pregnant on TV.

Even though the movie isn't very good, Fanning is wonderful in The Last of Robin Hood as Errol Flynn's young girlfriend Beverly Aadland.

So many children of celebrities are DJs too.

I looked up how old their kids were, and their twins are 16 and their sextuplets are 12.

I'd give money!